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Edited 14/3/17
"are you sure your ready to go back" asked mum as I stood in the bathroom straightening my hair "mum, im fine im going to have to go back some time and face everyone, I've been off for nearly three weeks I need to go back" "are you sure?" "im positive besides you have other things to worry about you have the inspection today" "yes that's important but your more important" "i have the girls, you know they'll look after me" I said "yeah, your right I just worry I mean after you lost the baby you wouldn't come out of your room for two days I thought you" "i wouldn't do that" I said "i know, it just that you know I felt weak I couldn't do anything" she said

I got to school and stood out in the yard watching earl and max all over each other, rolling my eyes I walked over to them "can i borrow your girlfriend?" I asked earl "soph" max said jumping on me and hugging me "i didn't know that you were back today" she said "yeah I had to I was going insane at home" "have you spoke to the dad..... since" "since I lost the I couldn't even tell him I mean if I didn't start with Danielle she wouldn't ever of pushed me and I would still have the baby" "its not even your fault, don't say that" "i couldn't even tell him I lost the baby you know I had to text him I couldn't face him, he left me a voicemail and he sound like he was devastated" I said

At break I decided I would go with max and janeece to the changing rooms while they did cheerleading "Me and earl are thinking of starting a family" said max "im sorry what" I said "are you mad" said janeece "your as bad as Steph, you two are, how come everyone was happy for chlo" "chlos married" I said "and baby's are usually accidents aren't they" said janeece "sorry, soph I didn't mean" she said "don't its fine" I said "after what happened with soph, me and earl started talking and we thought we would have a family, he loves me" she said "let me get this straight your using my miscarriage as a excuse to have your own baby, your unbelievable Maxine" I said storming off "soph, come back" called janeece as I stormed off through the hallway. I went straight to chlos van and sat next to chlo in the front "Maxine Barlow is unbelievable" I said "what's she done now" "she and earl are planning on having a baby, they using my miscarriage as a excuse to have their own baby" "its earl Kelly, not Maxine". Ten minutes later max, janeece and earls younger sister Sam came and sat in the van "with a baby we'll get priority on the council, wont we, we'll be set up" said max "where your going to live is the least of it, think of all the things that are going to change" said chlo "i want things to change, earl will be a brilliant dad" said max me and chlo caught eye contact "i don't see that happening" said Sam "you don't know him, like I do" "im his sister" "does he talk to you about his feelings" "he doesn't have any" said Sam "there you go, you have no idea" said max "well there's the man himself" said chlo as we watch him by the school gate argue with some lass "who's that" asked max "look at the state of her" said janeece "she was in his last class at his old school" said Sam "what she doing here" asked max "drugs" I said "nah, probably working the streets and he's pimping her" said Sam as we all laughed "shut up" said max before she stormed off.

At lunch I avoided the canteen I was not in the mood for food or pity looks from everyone, being the girl who had a miscarriage. I stood in the hall as I spotted max arguing with earl, trouble in paradise, chlo came from the doorway and stood with me "what's going on" she asked "no idea" I said as we followed max who had walked through the doors. I found Maxine crying in the toilets "max what happened" I asked "i broke up with earl" "what happened" I said "earl had a baby with that jade he was going to sell it" "that's sick" "i know, I feel as Im the biggest mug" "no max" I said hugging her

After school we went to maxs, she was cooking a meal for Haydock I stood in the living room as janeece started to walk in backwards "what" said max suddenly earl walked in "you need to listen to me" said earl as he came into the living room "nothing you say is going to make a difference" said max "she dumped you get over it" said janeece . he pulled out a gun from his pants "get out" he said pointing it at me and janeece, slowly we walked out "phone the police" I said to janeece as I stood by the door watching as they spoke. hearing a gunshot me and janeece let out of scream before we snuck into the living room to see a smashed vase. All three of us went to fight the gun off earl he pushed me to the ground by the door and I hit my head against the wall, he pushed max to floor by the window and janeece onto the settee, pulling the gun on her before walking over to Maxine "nothing you do is any good earl your only happy when everyone around you is miserable or scared, everything you touch its poisoned and twisted, your just a sick little boy" said Maxine as the gun shot went off I screamed and hid my head in my shoulder as earl got up and ran.. I moved over to max "no max" I said as she lay on the floor bleeding, Haydock came in and seen her on the floor "the police are coming, I swear they'll help you" said janeece as Haydock sat down next to her "im here sweetheart" she said to max "im sorry" said max I held her max "max , its going to be okay and ambulance is coming" I said crying "don't leave me max, please don't leave me" said Haydock to max, within a minute she was gone. dead.

I sat on the floor crying "im going to kill him" I said getting up and running out of the house.

Rachel's p.o.v
I was seeing off ofsted from this surprise inspection when my phone rang, pulling it out I seen that it was steph "hello" I said she was crying. Hysterical, "its Maxine, she's dead earl Kelly shot her" I froze taking in the news, this is going to kill Sophie "I'll be right there" I said hanging up.

I drove to stephs to find a crime scene tape on the door as I was exciting the house Maxine's body passed me, in a body back , I bit my lip from crying the poor girl I seen steph sitting on the stairs crying "this was her home she should of been safe here, he shouldn't of even been at this school any other school would of thrown him out weeks ago, but oh no not us we had to keep him for some pet project, is this bad enough for you" she said "come on steph let's get you out of here" I said leaning her to the car. I spotted janeece outside "janeece where's Sophie" I asked "ERM" "janeece where is my daughter" "she ran after earl she said she was going to kill him" oh this was not good. I got in the car and started driving to find my daughter hopefully she hasn't gotten herself killed, unlike Maxine.

Sophies p.o.v

I was so angry, max was my best friend and now she's dead because of him, if only I was a good enough friend to stay sober at the party she would still be alive she just sixteen she only had her birthday last month. I walked a few streets over until the news sunk in, Maxine dead im never going to see her again, no messing around in registration no more detention together, shes gone just like that and I never got the chance to tell her just how much she means to mean, just how much i loved her. I sat on the edge of the path I was walking on and started to cry.

about half an hour had past when a car pulled up I recognised it as my mother's, she climbed out of the car and sat down next to me "soph, have you any idea how worried I've been I thought earl Kelly, well I thought ""that he shot me, to like Maxine" "soph, im sorry" "she was my best friend I should of protected her its my fault" "no its not don't you say that" "but it is if ..I stayed sober at that party they wouldn't of hooked up, I could of talked her out of it" I said "no, Maxine makes her own decision regardless" "she was my best friend" "i know" "now she's dead and i wont get to tell her how much I loved her she'll never know" "you want to know something I think she knows and I think she loved you too" "yeah" "yeah come on lets get you home"

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