Philip's sixteenth

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Edited 14/3/17
I woke up at 6 this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep I had football practice this morning and decided that I would take a shower and go for a run to warm up for practice once I got back from my run I got changed into my uniform and backed my P.E kit and headed downstairs bumping into Philip "Phil, happy birthday" I said hugging him "thanks" he said "ill see you later im running late" I said heading for the door "your coming to my party tonight aren't you" he asked "party" "yeah, Rachel said that I could have one" he said "of course she did, ill try and be there Philip okay" "thanks soph" he said as I left and walked a long to school.

I spent practice dribbling the ball around the cones before practicing my shooting lets say im glad Tom is back as our coach cleaver did not care about the team at all, just because we were girls. At the end of practice I walked over to Tom "can I have a word sir" I asked "later" he said shooing me off. Before first period I headed up to the office to see if my mum was back as I hadn't seen her this morning when I arrived at the office I spotted her and mr Lawson in the office "so your back" I said leaning against the doorway and crossing my arms "i am" she said "im glad" "well aren't you going to give your mum a hug, I haven't seen you in three days" she said as I walked over to her and hugged you "i have a question" I said "oh god, what is it, get it over with" she said "how come Philip, my cousin and your nephew is allowed a party in your... no... our house and yet which I may point out is against your rules me, your one and only daughter isn't and yet it is my house too?" I asked "you don't pay the mortgage" "that's besides the point" "soph, its his birthday he only has us, his mum hasn't even wished him a happy birthday, and besides you and I know what your party's are like the house would be burnt down" "you have such a low opinion of me" I said.  as miss Campbell walked in with a bag full of sex education supplies "please tell me I don't have any involving in that class" I said and all three of them looked at me "great" I said "come on Sophie we have maths" said mr Lawson "oh the fun" I said as the three of us left the school and walked through the corridor "so do I get to have a party for my sixteenth" I asked "see it as a joint party" "what I don't even want to be there, not with the idiots he's invited" I said "soph, I need you there to keep an eye on things" "i thought I wasn't responsible" I said "well prove to me you can be and we'll see about you having a party" she said "bribery mother, you know how to play me" I said "why don't you come round tonight I could use the adult company" mum said to mr Lawson "ill have to dust off my old glow sticks" he said "you did not just say that, if you come anywhere near me with glow sticks ill kill you" I said the two of them started laughing "come on soph" mr Lawson said as we headed off to maths.

second period I headed to the sexual education class sitting next to Bolton as he looked through the magazines on favourite positions "ive done that, ive done that" he said looking through the magazine  I rolled my eyes at him, boys "i think Bolton's got myths of his own miss, thinking he's some kind of expert" said Michaela "no more than you, slag" he said "why would Michaela be a slag and you would be a stud for sleeping around" asked miss Campbell "i have not being sleeping around, if anyone has its Sophie" "you what" I said "everyone knows you have chlamydia" "are you asking for a slap" I said standing up from my chair "no I don't want your dirty little hands near me" she said as I jumped on her and pushed her off the chair and we fought rolling around the floor until miss Campbell pulled me off her "cooler now" she said pushing me out of the class. I headed to the cooler and took a seat at the back

At break time in walked my mum I avoided eye contact and sat starring out of the window "Sophie, look at me" "why so you can shout at me" I said she pulled out a chair and sat in front of me "please" she said I looked at her "im sorry, I was aggravated I lost my temper" I said "you and Michaela what am I going to do " she said "she called me a slag" "what" "its true I am" "what soph, no" "Its is everyone knows it in the girl who got pregnant at thirteen and gave birth to a baby and then buried her cause she wasn't breathing , then I feel pregnant again at fifteen, you would think I would know after the first time but oh no stupid slutty Sophie mason does it again" "soph, you were going through a tough time when you were thirteen" "i thought we were never going to talk about that again" "i know, but the drugs you got hooked it wasn't your fault you didn't know what you were doing half the time" "and you knew did you" "i knew you weren't the same, you were acting strange you know I hate abbey for what she did to you" "but I did it" "yes but she got you hooked on cocaine Sophie, she's two years older she should of known better" "she was my best friend she was my only friend"" I know but you and I both know what she's capable of, you overdosed and she left you as good as dead your lucky to be alive" "i know, I haven't touched the stuff since" "come on, its break go and get some fresh air clear your head" she said standing up and we headed out of the cooler.

I sat in the library near the end of lunch doing some revision for exams when I got a message through on the message board of Bolton;

GUESSES NEEDED URGENTLY- party tonight. opportunity of a lifetime to see inside of masons house- everyone invited!

im going to kill him, everyone, if everyone at the school turns up im dead im suppose to be keeping an eye out at this party. I found him in the hallway with janeece about ten minutes later "smilie, a word" I said "soph, what is it" "you invited everyone, are you mad" "soph I was helping Phil he needs some guests for his party" "so invite some of your mates don't but it on the school webpage god your so thick sometimes" "harsh" he said "you better we hoping not everyone turns up or that you can handle it as im no longer controlling this" "you what" "your responsible for this party, you better not hope this gets out of hand" i said walking away.

At the end of lunch I headed to registration I sat down next to chlo "you not going to believe what your cousin gave me" she said "what" I said "a leaflet for sexual health clinic" "you what" I said not believing my ears. After registration I was about to head to the door when Tom called me back "you wanted to see me" I said "yes, tonight meet me at this address and we'll talk" he said as he handed me a piece of paper "yes sir" I said smirking slipping the paper in my bra and heading to the door "and Sophie tell no one" he said "i wouldn't dream of it" I said. heading home I found mum in the kitchen pouring food in bowls "oh popcorn" I said grabbing a handful and eating it "will you put that down its not for you" she said as I smirked "yeah yeah" I said as you told Philip and I the rules "mum I know the rules ive known them for years and im sure Philip knows by now, now go have fun, not too much fun we'll be fine"

Soon people started to arrive and I knew it would be easier to slip away soon, half an hour later I soon left and headed to the address on the piece of paper I got there and seen tom sitting in his car "sorry im late, I couldn't get away from the party" I said as I climbed into the car "don't worry about it, you look nice" he said "thanks" "look about the other day" "i get it, I know it was a mistake your with Davina and we were messed up...kidding ourselves, you work with my mum for god sake and chlos my best mate" "i know" we didn't say anything for a few minutes "its my fault if I didn't get upset at that parents even we wouldn't be in this mess" I said he grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly and I turned to face him "I'm the one that kissed you" he said his lips inches away from my face "this shouldn't happen" I said as we got closer and closer until we were kissing he pulled me to him so that I was straddling his waist my hands around his neck, his hands on my face. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his "what are we going to do" I said "god knows, its not like we can keep our distance we see each other everyday" he said "i know, were just gonna have to try" I said. he dropped me off home and the house looked empty when I arrived I didn't realise I was crying until I felt something wet drip from my chin.

I entered the house to see that it was clean, damn well done Bolton, mum was already back ah shit I spotted Eddie standing in the stairway "so coffee or maybe straight to a little sex ed of our own" he said to mum "ew okay gross" I said as I walked up the stairs "Sophie, I thought you would be in your room" "no I was in the kitchen, how long  have you been home" I asked "just got back" I nodded as I past them on the first flight off stairs and headed up the next flight to my room "if you two are going to have least let me know so I can wear headphones or something" "Sophie your room is on the top floor you wont hear anything" "so is yours" I said as I headed up to bed. "remember to use protection I don't want a younger sibling...oh and keep the noise down" I shouted as I headed into my room closing the door.

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