A school trip

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I was dropped off to school by mum and Philip walked off to see his friends "you have your exam this morning, don't you?" asked mum "yeah" I said "you'll be fine" she said "how do you know" "you have been revising nonstop for the last week" she said "yeah I suppose" I said heading inside and went to find chlo who I found talking to Donte outside the exam hall. "you okay" I asked her "yeah, just im worried about tom" she said "look ill see you later" she said as she walked down the corridor. Tom came out for the hall "are you okay sir" I asked him "no, im not" "im sorry chlo told me what happened, im sorry" I said as I walked off down the hallway "Sophie, hold on" he called I turned around and faced him "yeah" "look im sorry too, for what I said I was angry and I didn't mean it" he said "don't worry about it sir" I said

Ten minutes later I headed for the exam let me tell you one thing I don't do exams, and don't cope well under pressure. As Tom sat at the front supervising we made eye contact for a few minutes before I paid my attention back to my exam paper. After the exam I headed out with chlo" so glad that is over with" I said to flick and chlo "your telling me" said flick "you two want to meet for lunch" asked chlo "sure" said flick food in front of people I cant deal with that "soph, lunch?" asked chlo "i don't think so, I've got this trip to the theatre later" I said "ill see you later" I said heading down the hallway into the toilets where I spotted janeece wearing a headscarf "Jan, what's up with the scarf" I asked "this way people wont say anything about the way I look" she said "you got your boobs done people are obvious to say something, you and I know that" I said "i just sick of it soph" "what would max say" I asked "she would say stick your head up and be proud of what you've got as there only jealous and stuff them all" she said "too right, and stick by that Jan ive got to go ill miss the couch" I said as I headed outside to the couch.

I sat at the back of the bus with Bolton, Paul, Michaela and Philip when we stopped off to see miss Allan's house "nice" I said "and you thought mason was loaded" said Michaela "i never said that, there's loaded and then there's this" I said as we headed in the house and got the tour around there was even a cinema room in the house. "miss can I go to the toilet" Paul asked as Bolton nicked a bottle of champagne from the fridge as Michaela, Bolton, Paul, Philip and I sneaked off. " imagine having a place like this" I said as we stood in a bedroom "its like a hotel, everything is new" said Michaela "its being rich isn't it everything is new" said Bolton as he handed the bottle of champagne to me. when Philips phone started ringing "its mason" he said as he looked at his caller display "nah" he said as he rejected the call as my phone vibrated in my pocket, pulling it out I noticed it was my mum, I slammed by phone down ignoring the call "come on lets do something" said Philip as we headed outside the room.

we found a pool outback "now this is awesome" I said "a waterslide would be mint here" said Paul as Bolton and Paul started messing about almost pushing Philip in the water as Michaela and I sat on the side drinking from the bottle of champagne. soon Bolton and Paul started to mess around as Philip meant down behind Bolton tripping him up aiming to get him in the pool but he tripped and hit his head on the side of the pool before falling in the pool unconscious. "someone get help" I said as Paul ran off and Bolton lay face down in the water. Mr budgen came and dragged Bolton out of the water before having an argument with miss Allen and clutching his chest "someone call an ambulance" I said "im on it" said Paul running off and phoning an ambulance.

He was soon took away in an ambulance "it was all Mr budgens fault" said miss Allen to the paramedic "what, your a liar" said Danielle "yeah budgen saved Bolton's life and you did nothing" said Michaela "you don't even live here your a liar" I said. we headed back to school and mum met us at the couch "you okay" she asked me and Philip "yeah" said Phil as I shrugged "come here" she said pulling me into a hug "no more trips for awhile please" I said "deal" she said "Phil, I bet half of you is feeling responsible for today but on the other hand I heard you were great with Mr budgen" said mum "Philip" shouted flick running over to us and handing him a set of underwear and a bra before storming off "please don't tell me those are mine" said mum "no way, Phil you didn't" I said as I started laughing "im sorry, im going to have to go" I said as I continued to laugh, leaving the two of them alone.

I headed off home and got changed before I headed out for a run, when I got home I found my mum and Eddie in the kitchen cooking "teas almost ready love" she said "im not hungry" I said storming off to my room shutting the door and leaning against it falling to the floor "Sophie" said my mum as she came to the door and tried to open it but couldn't as I was leaning against it. "go away" I shouted "open the door now" she said "i said go away" "i want you down at the table in ten" she said walking off. like that's going to happen when im not going to be here, I snuck downstairs and looked into the kitchen watching if there was anyone near the door I could here Eddie and mum talking "i don't know what to do Eddie, it like she doesn't want to eat or even spend time with me" said mum "rach she's fifteen and a teenage girl they are funny things, she probably feels self conscious eating in front of people" he said as I headed to the front door and out of the house, heading down the street.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now