talks of the future

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Updated t)22/3/17

"soph?...soph? to Sophie" mum said trying to get my attention "huh sorry" I said pulling my head back round "you okay you seem to be aware with the fairies" Eddie asked "im fine, honestly. Just didn't get enough sleep last night" I said "you sure" mum asked "yes I said im fine didn't I" I said storming out of the kitchen. I went up to my room and opened my laptop finishing off my search for Michael my maybe father, grr its no use especially when I don't know his surname, sighing I gave up looking before getting dressed and walking to school.

I headed to school and met up with Lauren who was talking to josh "what's going on" I asked her "josh has a crush on Nate" she said "aww little josh is growing up" I said as we headed to registration. I bumped into Finn in the hallway "alright sharkey" I said to him "my favourite person" he said as he put his arm over my shoulder "alright what are you after" I asked him "who says im after anything" I looked at him and rolled my eyes "alright Finn, whatever you say, ill be in the common room if you need me and try and stay out of trouble and away from Kyle stacks" I said as I headed to the common room to see bex and jess arguing "what the hell is going on" I asked "she's been going through my things" bex said "because im worried about you bex" jess said "will the two of you stop acting like five years old for two minutes" I said "but" they said "no, your sisters for crying out load you've missed two years together its time you started catching up" I said before I took a seat and worked on my English essay.

At lunch I stood with Amy and Lauren as we watched the boys football "looking good Kyle" I said as they jogged around the yard "Sophie mason I do hope your behaving yourself" tom said to me "of course sir" I said smiling innocently "i don't think the innocent smirk works with him anymore soph" Amy said as I pushed her "shut up will you" I said laughing as Lauren took a picture of Kyle looking like a gimp. "your boyfriend just kicked me off the team" Finn said as he sat next to me in the lunch hall "oh yeah, what did you do" I asked "nothing, absolutely nothing" he said "he wouldn't of kicked you off for a reason" I said "whatever" he said storming off and sitting in the corner in a huff.

At the end of five period I walked out into the hall to see Billie Taylor holding a baby over the top of the stairs "my god" I said "she isn't going to drop her is she" janeece said "i don't know" " do  you think shes unwell" "she must be to do that to her own kid" I said I watched as Mr mead tried to calm her down "i feel sick" I said as I watched the scene in front of me. I walked away and headed down the hall as Finn ran up to me "what do you want" I asked him "look soph, im sorry about earlier I... what's going on with josh and nate" "well one is short and has curly hair" "no not that I mean...ugh when your mates have girlfriends then theres always your mate and the girl but when he has boyfriends is like hes got a new best friend" "aww your jealous that's both cute and sad" "am not" "you are finn sharkey I know you" I said "soph" "finn josh is your best mate if he has a boyfriend its his boyfriend unlike you your his best mate stop being so paranoid" I said as I walked off and left him standing there.

"are you okay?" tom asked me as I stood by the door at the carpark I shrugged my shoulder "come here" he said pulling me into a hug "i really thought she would do it, I felt sick" I said "its okay" he said "come on" he said "and where are we going" I asked "dinner" he said "tom" I whined "come on darling, Chinese your favourite" he said "you really know your way to a girls heart don't you" i asked "what food" "well yeah" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Later that night I sat with tom as we watched the tv "do you see a future with me?" I asked him "where did that come from soph, of course I do" "i don't know I was just thinking" "look I wouldn't asked you to marry me if I didn't would I?" "i suppose" "okay what are you worried about" he asked turning the tv off "its just.. you have josh and that but what if you decide that it for you and you don't want anymore children" I said looking any where but him he put his hand on my chin and lifted it so that I looked him deep in the eye "i love you okay, and nothing would make me happier than having children with you" he said I smiled and leaned in to kiss him and soon our clothes were on the floor and there was lay tangled together on the sofa.

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