i need to ask you something

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Updated: 21/3/17

"we're going to be late" mum said as we all rushed around the house grabbing things that we needed for this morning "soph, hurry up I need the toilet" phil said bagging on the door. "one minute" I said as I finished brushing my teeth and headed out and downstairs finishing getting ready "has anyone seen my p.e kit" I asked "in the laundry room, its fresh out the dryer" mum said as I headed into the laundry room and placed my P.E kit into my bag.Soon we headed out into the car and drove to school getting there just in time for the registration bell where me and phil ran off.

I got to registration and sat in my normal seat "so is it true, mason is teaching" Bolton asked me "yeah, i swear to god im not going to be taught by my mother, its bad enough having her as head" i said. i got ready and headed to my first class maths with eddie "ah sophie your late" he said "sorry sir" i said as i sat down and pulled out my book before taking notes ready for the exams.

At Lunch i found Bolton and paul in the canteen with smirks on their faces "okay, what are you two up to?" i asked them "why sophie, you have so much faith in us" said paul i rolled my eyes at him "i know you two, and i know when you two are up to something, look whatever it is keep me out of it" i said as i stormed out of the canteen running into my mum "sophie, are you okay" "fine" i said as i walked past her

At the end of the day, i went to leave the school when i bumped into sam and lauren "soph, look what we got" said sam showing me and baby piglet under her jacket "what the hell have you two done" i asked smirking at her "we took it from the farm, they kill them when there babies, its not fair we're going to give it a life set it free" said sam "if mason finds out were dead" said lauren "look i won't say anything if that's what your suggesting" i said to lauren "what no i didn't mean that soph" she said "whatever im not having anything to do with this" i said as i stormed off.

Eddie found me sitting in the hallway "there you are ive been looking for you" he said "oh yeah" i said looking up at him "i wanted to talk to you about something" "talk away" "i wanted to ask your mum to marry me" "what eddie that's great" "only if its okay with you" he said "what, of course it is she loves you of course shed marry you" i said "good, now your mum is down the pub with some of the teachers and i need oyur help" "with" "ring shopping i am a bloke so that means i am useless in situations like this" he said. "of course, come on" i said we headed out into town as mum was down the pub and headed dow the highway to town and into this posh jewellers where we looked at rings and they were nice but it wasn't the perfect ring "how about this one" i said pointing to a ring which had a silver diamond on it "i knew there was a reason why i brought you sophie" he said as he bought the ring "is this for your daughter" the cashier asked "hes not my dad, hes my soon to be step-dad" i said before we headed out of the shop and got a taxi home "so when are you going to ask her" i asked him "soon"he said

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now