he's back

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updated 14/3/17

Walking to school my phone beeped in my pocket, pulling my phone out I seen a message from an unknown number:

07894612035: you look good in a uniform x

what? who is this freak. I ignored the message before heading to registration and sitting next to chlo "you okay Sophie, you look like you seen a ghost" she said "im fine, just I..its I got this weird text this morning and its creeping me out" I said "let me see" I showed her the desk "jeez, soph you need to tell miss mason" "no, she's got enough to worry about with Philip I don't want to worry her anymore" I said "but this guy is a perv you cant let him get away with it" "don't worry ill sort it" I said as I headed to art.

i sat in art finishing my project when my phone buzzed again it was that number:

07894612035: i don't like being ignored, now your in trouble. x

me: who is this

07894612035: now now don't you know who your father is x

i jumped to my feet before rushing out to the toilets and throwing up. no, no ,no, no. this cant be happening i sat on the floor next to the toilets crying he cant be here not now just got him off my mind. At break i finally got out of the toilets and sat on the wall outside starring into space a hand touched my shoulder and i jumped at the contact "hey its only me, are you okay" my mum asked "no" i said pulling my knees to my chin and resting my head on them " Sophie, what's up you use to do that when you were little and really upset" she said i pulled out my phone and handed it to her eyes read through the message sand she went pale "i dont want him here me, make it stop" i said as i started to cry "come on" she said as she lead me to the office "i just started to forget about it, him" i said "we need to sort this once and for all" she said "police" i said she nodded her head "we'll go after school, but eddie wants us to go bowling with him" she said "we can do that, afterwards look can i go home im not feeling to well" "sure, are you able to walk home by yourself" she asked "ill be fine ill just go and put my head down "right ill come and check on you at lunch" she said

i headed home and went for a shower once i had a shower i wrapped a towel around me before heading downstairs for a glass of water, i got downstairs when i heard a bang i clutched the towel to me before heading to the living room to see him standing there next to a smashed vase. i ran from him heading for my room when he grabbed my leg pulling me down the stairs i screamed kicking him away he placed his hands on my hips "why don't you give your dad a kiss" "get off me" i screamed "if i moved this towel you would been completely vulnerable just like when you were little naked as my friends took their turns on you and told tell me you didn't enjoy it" "go to hell you know what you did was wrong" i said kicking him in the balls and running off down the stairs seeing that it was 11.40 i hope my mum would hurry up and get home. i picked up the house phone dialling her and she answered "mum, i need you hes here" "what" "please hurry" i said hanging up the phone "you shouldn't of done that" he said as he entered the living room he had a kitchen knife in his hands oh god this is it im going to die.

"what are you doing" i asked "im sorting out a problem" he said taking a step towards me "don't, stay where you are" i said as i backed towards the window "you realise i have your life in the palm of my hands and all i have to do is hit the right spot on your body with the knife and you'll be dead within seconds and what would Rachel have to say about that" "what so this is to do with my mum" i asked "yes its everything to do with that whore, she thought after two weeks together she was better than me and dumped me you never even told me shew a pregnant and bumped into her again 2 years later she had a buggy you were in it, i knew straight away you were mine, then you were 9 and she needed me to look after you for three years so she can go to Africa to teach so i thought payback make her daughter pay and hurt her in the meanwhile, then you turned into a brat 12 you were and she shoplifted a necklace for your mother that's how desperate you were for her" "better than you" "so she came back and took you,now i just thought of the perfect thing to hurt her the most take away her daughters life" "no way in hell i said using all my strength to push him to the groud and ran to the door even if i was only in a towel just as my mum was parking outside

"mummy" i said running into her arms as she pulled me to her "did he hurt you" she asked "he threatened me with a knife that's about it" i said "wait here" she said as she went inside thirty seconds later i heard a scream and ran into the house to see a puddle of blood my mum was standing in the doorway of the living room and there he was lying no the floor surrounded by a pool pfblood the knife in his hand blood oozing from his neck, we stood there i horror, he took his life rather than go to jail for what he did its as if he knew it was the end of the road for him.

soon the police arrivied taking statements and his body was removed as we were allowedback inside within a few hours we decided to get changed "you sure your want to come" mum asked "yeah it will take my mind of things" i said. We met mr Lawson at the bowling alley "i should warn you mr Lawson im awesome at bowling" i said "oh yeah" "yeah i was taught by the best" i said "Philip has cancelled" said mum "yeah he text said he was invited to some gig" i said "so much for quality time" he said "well we can do it without Philip cant we,i sure as hell need the distraction after today" i said as i picked up the bowling ball started the game with a strike "and the master strikes again" i said turning round "im going to whip your butt" said mum to mr Lawson "i forgot just how competitive you are, i thought it was just the taking part that counts" he said "no tonight victory shall be mine" she said "game on mother" i said as mr Lawson missed the pins and then mum took her turn fouling as she stepped over the line "mine turn" i said bowling the ball and i turned around to see the two of them kissing i smiled to myself "its about time" i said "what" mum said "its only took over a year" i said "shut up, sophie" mum said "charming"

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now