Careers day

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Edited 14/3/17
"i hate school" I said as I sat looking at of the window "you use to love it" said mum "when I was five" "no, I meant this year, you said you loved it better than your old school" " anywhere is better than that dumb" "you met abbey there" "yeah me and abbey don't talk" "why not" "she...she said something about Maxine so I decided to cut all ties, you were right mum one again she's a vicious cow I don't even know why I was friends with her" "probably to piss your mum off" said Philip who was sitting in the back "shut it you" I said yawning "look soph, its the first day back to school try and make an effort will you" she said "your asking me that on the first day" I asked "yes I am, and I want you to go to this careers day I think it will be good for you" "and I think it will be a load of garbage" I said. "Sophie" "fine, ill go I doubt it will do me any good but ill go I don't even know what I want to do so why should I bother" "we haven't really had that talk, have we?" she asked "no" "well your always helping out in the crèche how about a nursery nurse" " maybe"

Driving into school, Philip stormed straight off while I stood by the car waiting for my bag. "is he alright" asked Mr Lawson "he's been like that ever since Melissa left, moody" I said "how as your break I tried calling you a few times" mum asked Mr Lawson "i know, just needed a bit of time by myself" he said "of course, im desperate for a bit of alone time right now" mum said "thanks mother" I said "i didn't mean that soph, its Philip he's driving move me and you up the wall, you I can deal with" she said "thanks, make me seem like a situation rather than your daughter, if you think that maybe you shouldn't of had a daughter" I said picking up my bag and storming off "Sophie" she called.

I headed to registration I sat across two chairs playing on my phone "Sophie mason will you but your feet down, do you sit like that at home" asked tom "actually sir, I do" I said "and put the phone away before i take it for the week" he said "why there's nothing that will interest you on it" "now" he said sighing I put my phone in my bag as the bell went and I headed to the hall. I bumped into chlo "jeez chlo how much have you grown" I said looking at her baby bump "i feel fat" she said "shut up man, you have loads to grow still" I said. As in walked the model sarah-Leanne "tramp" I mumbled to chlo "she likes so fake" said chlo "your telling me" I said.

Break time I sat outside sipping on a bottle of water sitting by myself Bolton came running up to me "soph, you seem down" he said "its...nothing" I said "you were never a good liar, what is it" "seeing chlo just got me thinking I should be pregnant with my baby and im not its been 2 months since I lost it I would of been 5 months by now" I said "soph, is that whats bothering you" I nodded "i might go, will you cover for me" I asked "stay until lunch at least" "fine" I said as the bell went and I headed back inside.

Lunch soon came around I had enough of this careers fair and headed to the gate as soon as the bell went. I went into town for some shopping even though I don't have any money. I had enough of school for one day and its only the first day back. By 2.40 I decided to headback to school with their being only just over half an hour left at school and I had to pick up some art work to finish for the deadline in a few weeks.

I sat in the art room focusing on a piece of work with my headphones in when they were pulled from my ears "hey I was listening to that" I said looking up to see my mum "and I would like to know why my daughter is skipping school again" "like you care, im the one who takes up all your time mother" "yes you are, im your mother your suppose to take it up look I know your still mad but I don't need to skip you have exams in a few weeks" "yes and I have a deadline in two weeks time for this piece of work" I said "sophie what is with you, you been acting up for the last few months" "how about the fact, I lost my baby and I have no one to talk to about it, I should be 5 months pregnant but no im still fat as ever and no baby to told in my arms tell them I love them, just like Freya im being punished because I would be a crap mother, maybe I deserved what my father did to me" "don't, don't you ever say that again what happened to you was not your fault you were nine" "i was a brat" "you were my brat, maybe if I hadn't left""his mates wouldn't of touched me, trust me he would of found a way for it to happen" "come on lets get home, philiph is waiting in the car"

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