Chlos baby

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updated: 21/3/17

its been two weeks since I collapsed at school and today is my first day back "i don't want to go back" I said as I sat in the car "sophie, you have to" "do I, I don't want to be the girl with the eating disorder that everyone looks at, the freak" I said "it will be fine" said mum. I sat in registration while everyone looked at me "what is your problem" I asked as they looked away and started to gossip. "have you girls got anything to say to sophie" asked tom "no sir" they said putting their heads down and tom gave me a reassuring smile. At break I sat in the library out of the view from the gossiping girls when Michaela walked in "there you are ive been looking everywhere for you" she said "sorry, im trying to avoid the gossiping" I said "come on, they wouldn't dare say anything when your near me" she said "im sick of people seeing me as a freak, just because im anorexic" I said "yeah and your right, look soph, look at all those out there they have darker secrets then you" she said "fine" I said as I headed out in the hallway.

At the end of break I met up with janeece where we found chlo and Donte arguing "whats going on" I asked them as they continued to argue about chlo wanting to give up the baby for adoption "i thought you loved me" chlo said to donte "i did until you made me chose between you and our baby, you and me our finished chlo" he said as she ran off and I followed her "chlo come out" I said "leave me alone" "chlo im your best friend, im not going anywhere" I said as she started grunting "chlo are you okay" "the baby" she said "janeece go get help, chlos in labour" I said to janeece who was standing by the door. miss Campbell came in trying to help "chlo breathe" I said rubbing her back "do you want me to go" I asked "no soph, help me you've done this" she said "okay, emm how far is the pain" I asked her "a couple of minutes" she said "im scared, what if something happened like you" "its not going to happen" I said soon the midwife arrived and I left to stand outside of the classroom "you okay soph" asked mum "yeah, just bad memories" I said "Freya" she said and I nodded my head and leant against the wall "i should be having my baby now" I said to mum "i know, soph" "i would be due this week" i said as she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Ten minutes later miss Campbell came to "its a girl" she said as tom hugged everyone "well done granddad" i said to him as me and janeece smirked.

soon Donte and chlo headed to the hospital "is chlo alright" i asked tom " shes fine, I should pack her a bag" he said "do you want an hand, I mean.. you know with what to pack" i said "sure, you'd be a great hand Sophie" he said as we headed back to his and helped him pack a bag "sophie, thanks for this" he said "no need to thank me sir" i said smiling. He walked over to me "are you okay now, you know feeling better" he asked "you mean with the anorexia, im fine now" i said he smiled at me before brushing the hair out of my face brushing his hand against my face  " im sorry" I said "what for?" he asked "pushing him away"  said before leaning in to kiss me and i kissed him back wrapping my hands around his neck as he pulled me to his room and pulled me on the bed "are you sure I mean we haven't not since you lost the baby" he asked i nodded, pulling off his t-shirt and leaning down to kiss me and i pulled him towards me. Afterwards we just lay there "well that was not expected" i said "yeah, we should go and see chlo she'll be wanting her stuff" he said we got dressed and headed to the car and drove to the hospital in silence "they look happy don't they" i said looking through the window to the ward "that they do" i said "thanks for today soph, i don't think i would of got through today if it weren't for you helping chlo and everything" he said "its no problem tom" i said

Tom dropped me back at school where i met back up with my mum "where you been" she asked me "hospital, i went to see chlo" i said "how is she" "shes great, they named the baby izzy after her mum" i said "that's nice" she said "yeah, can we go home its been a long day" i said "yeah come on" she said picking up her keys and heading for the door.

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