A Wedding and a prom

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Updated 21/3/17

Today was the day, the day mum and Eddie got married and the last day of term, meaning prom was tonight. I got up ad headed down to the kitchen and poured my self a cup of coffee and turned back leaning against the counter and jumped as I spotted mum sitting in the corner of the kitchen at the table "jeez, are you trying to give me a heart attack" I said "sorry" she said "what are you doing sitting in the corner, so quiet for" I asked her as I sat down next to her at the table "sorry, im just nervous" she said I nodded my head "I've ever been married before and its terrifying, and I love him so much it freaks me out" she said "mum its understandable, id be worried if you didn't feel nervous" I said "yeah" "now come on, miss we have school even if its just half day for us who have a wedding to get to" I said to her making her smile.

I met up with Sam and Lauren at school "hey" I said to them "hey" Lauren said "hi" Sam said coldly "your not still mad about me going with Bolton are you?" I asked she ignored me "look Sam, me and Bolton are history, more than history were going as friends as we both don't have dates, I know you fancy him and he fancies you, your both just to chicken to tell each other" I said walking off.

I headed off to registration and sat at the back of the class I spotted tom as he walked into the class he made eye contact with me and he sensed what kind of mood I was in he looked at me and mouthed 'are you okay' I nodded at him but I could tell he was unsure, he knew me to well its safe to say that he could read me like a book. At the end of registration I packed my stuff up and headed for first lesson "Sophie, hold up a minute" tom said to me "yeah" I said as he walked over to me and took my hands in his "are you sure, I know when your lying" he said "its nothing..its stupid really I just feel as though when my mum and eddie get married its going to be goodbye sophie and there going to want their own family without me, I mean its always been me and mum and now there's eddie its just, ugh its stupid I feel as though one they get married there wont be room for me" I said "soph, Eddie loves you as if your his own, I mean why else would he adopt you" he said "yeah your right" I said.

At break miss Campbell came up to me "sophie mason just the girl I was looking for" she said "i didn't do anything" I said "i know, I need you help, your artistic hand" she said "what are you after" I asked "i need help with the prom decorations" she said "fine" I said as I followed her to the hall and picked up a paintbrush. soon Bolton and paul joined me in helping with the painting I watched as Bolton starred at sam "look I have to go, okay ill meet you here later, unless you decide to go with sam beforehand" I said to him as I headed out of the hall and into the carpark "you ready" I asked my mum she nodded her head "right eddie we have to arrive no later than 4.30 and sophie you arrive with the bride at 5" Philip said "yes phil I know the plan" I said.

We got home and mum had a shower as I changed out of my uniform, I walked into her room to find her on the phone, as I brought her dress in "i haven't heard any thing from the school about finn and amy" she said "leave it to mr mead, he is the deputy I mean what can he not do that you can" I said as I sat on her bed "i do know that soph" "look its your wedding day, you are not superwomen you cant do everything although you like to think you can now you need to trust your staff" I said "you use to think I was superwomen" she said "oh no you still haven't got the picture have you" she stood up and walked into her wardrobe pulling out a box and searched through it before handing me the painting that I had drew "god, I was five when I drew this" I said "i know, I remember the day you came out of school and ran to me handing it to me you were so proud" she said. "right come on we need to get ready" I said "i need to phone eddie" she said as she reached for her phone "oh no you don't" I said as I grabbed her phone "sophie" "no, you'll get it back at the end of the day" I said smirking at her as she laughed shaking her head.

"come on lets get ready" I said as I stood behind her playing with a lose piece of her hair she nodded looking in he mirror "in a few hours youll be Mrs eddie Lawson" I said "i have you to thank for this, if you never phoned him then we wouldn't be getting married" she said "no need to" I said as I did her hair and make up "beautiful as always" I said once I was finished "i love you" I said kissing her cheek and going off to get ready and leaving her to put on the dress. once I was ready I walked into her room to find her at the dressing table "wow, now that's what I call a bride" I said as she slipped on her pearl necklace "grans necklace" I said to her "yeah" "you ready" she asked me I nodded my head "come on lets go, mrs Lawson" I said as we headed out of the house.

we got to the registery office and eddie stood there in awe "wow" he said as mum walked up to him and I sat with Philip as mum and eddie got married. "i  edward lawson take you Rachel mason to be my wife, in sickness and health" "and I Rachel mason take you Edward Lawson to be my husband In sickness and In health" They enchanced rings before being pronounced husband and wife. I hugged mum and eddie "welcome ot the family dad" I said to eddie "thanks kiddo" he said. we took pictures, Philips idea once we got out of the registery office .

We headed back to school for the prom just as the prom king and queen was announced "ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to give it up for waterloo roads first prom king and queen Bolton and Sambuca" I cheered for them I was happy "i thought that you would be prom queen" paul said to me "oh please paul prom queen is not me" I said as I watched sam and Bolton take to their thrones. I danced with paul for a bit until miss Campbell took to the stage "and can we give it up for mr and mrs eddie Lawson" she said as mum and eddie walked in arm in arm, everyone cheered as they walked in. soon a slow dancing song came on and tom came over to me "can I have this dance" he asked "really, in public" I said "why not" he said I stood with him as we slow danced "you look amazing" tom said as we danced "you don't look to bad yourself" I said as I lay my head on his chest.

At the end of prom mum and eddie came up to me "whats up?" I asked "soph, your mum and I are going to be going no honeymoon" eddie said "well, since you just got married im very aware of that" I said "were going for three months" "three months and what am I going to do for three months" I said "well, your aunt Karen is going to look after the school and your going to stay with her" mum said "aunt Karen" I said "yes, shes going to be my new deputy come the new school year" "what about mr mead" "hes decided to step down from deputy" "oh, I guess that's fine" "now lets go home" eddie said "okay mum, dad" I said smiling at eddie as we all headed home as a family.

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