The aftermath

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Edited 14/3/17
its been a week, a whole week since she died and now its time for me to go back to school, mum let me have the week off and I honestly just want to cry since I seen her die. Mum has this therapist at the school and she wants me to go and see her but I cant.. talking to a shrink is not going to bring Maxine back and its not going to help me. I decided to walk to school, mum offered to drive but I need to clear my head as I got to the school gates I seen all the flowers for max everyone loved her, her picture and football jersey was pinned on the gate I stroked my finger across her face in the picture "i miss you max" I said before I headed inside.

I sat in registration when Mr Lawson walked in "can I have a word with Sophie?" he asked Mr Clarkson I followed him out of the class "how you holding up" he asked me "honestly sir, I don't know I feel as if a piece of my hearts missing" I said "i understand, I lost my son once SIDS I put him to bed when night, next morning he was dead" "im sorry sir" "i wanted to know if your behind miss mason wanting to resign" "what" "i know she would do anything for you, so I had to ask" "i didn't even know she was resigning" " at the end of the day she's leaving, she feels responsible for Maxine's dead" "there's only one person responsible and they should throw away the key" "i agree" "look Mr Lawson ill speak to her but I don't know if it will do any good I mean once Rachel mason decides something her mind is made up, if you haven't realised" "i have, thank you sir or should I call you uncle Eddie now" I asked "get back to class" he said smiling.

First period I headed to the gym to find Bolton training "Bolton" I called grabbing his attention he turned around facing me "soph" he said as I walked over to him and hugged him "im so sorry" he said "it hard coming back here, when she's not here" "i just cant believe it max, she was just...well it was as if she was like your sister you four were best of friends" he said "look I've got to train got a big fight next week " "and I've got a week tone of homework along with the work I haven't done to catch up on"

I headed to the office as I had a free second period "why are you leaving?" I asked her "so eddies told you" she said "mum, please don't go, I need you" "and ill be here just as your mother" "but your an amazing head, your not leaving because of max are you" "you want to know the truth im tired" "comes with the job" " I mean it im really tired off worrying, going through every decision, have I got it right?" she said "are you talking as a head or as my mum as you and me both know im not the easiest" "both I suppose, you lost your best friends soph, and I have no idea what to say to you, im scared in case you'll snap at me or have a mental breakdown" "look you need to look at the positives that's what you always told me" "i don't see the point, I see the mistakes, the mistake of keeping earl here I don't trust my own judgement, so I've got to go" she said..I stood up to leave "look all you need to know is that I....everyone thinks your great.

Break time I sat outside as chlo came up to me "i miss her too" she said "i know, its just hard being here without her" I said "my vans been nicked" she said "you what, its bright purple and it has your name" I said "tell me about it" she said. I found Danielle Harker in the hallway "oi Danielle" I called she seen me and went pale as I walked up to her "i heard you've been using maxs death as a excuse to cause trouble" I said as I punched her "cooler now" called tom I turned around and headed to the cooler noticing Bolton we made eye contact and he smiled at me as I sat down the desk next to him.

By lunch I got let out of the cooler and found chlo "what's up" I asked her "Donte is acting weird" "Donte is weird" I said she hit my shoulder "your terrible" she said "have you been to see the councillor yet" she asked "no , I cant, I cant talk about max I know ill crack I've been avoiding janeece all day, I know my mum wants me to but I don't think I can" "go and speak to janeece, you and her both need it you were there when she was killed" I nodded my head as Donte came in the classroom " I've got a surprise for you, babes" "oh yeah" "im going to blindfold you though" we both looked at each other and laughed. following Donte outside we seen chlo van all dressed up for a wedding, how cute.

I went back inside the school when I bumped into mum "have you been to see the councillor" she asked "of course, have you thought about staying" I asked "im leaving Sophie and its final, and I know you haven't been cause I spoke to her" "of course you did" I said "come" she said leading me down to the pastoral care office where both janeece and miss Haydock were sitting "ah Sophie, take a seat" she said. "i don't do counselling" I said "was she angry with me" asked miss Haydock "no, it weren't like that" I said "she was cooking, she wanted to make up by making something to eat" said janeece "she said she couldn't ask for a better mum" I said "i blame myself, I was right next to her and he shot her I should of stopped him" I said "don't blame yourself, if anything you, both of you were the ones who tried to save her" said miss Haydock as we sat crying. janeece grabbed my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze "i should thank you for being with her you risked your life's, Sophie you wanted to kill him for her but you didn't you realised she wouldn't want that" she said

I headed out to the car park dressed in one of my dresses as chlo and Donte did their blessing, "max would be proud of you" I said to her. The van was decorated in pink and purple balloons making it look more like a wedding, dontes idea. once I headed back inside I ran into my mum "how did the counselling go?" she asked "you know what it was great, im glad you made me do it" "what did I tell you" "yeah you were right again, although your not right about leaving ill tell you that" I said before heading over to Bolton "how did it go" I asked him "good, I think" he said "im glad" "look soph, there's something you should know janeece and I were an item, I thought I should tell you" he said "was it going on when we were together" I asked "no, there was a little flirting but that's about it" "good im happy for you".

At the end of the day I stood outside with everyone "everybody get a balloon" said chlo as she handing balloons out "this is for Maxine" she said we walked over to miss Haydock "we just wanted to do something for Maxine, to say goodbye" said chlo "i don't know what to say "best say nothing, max use to puke when we all got soppy" said janeece I stood with janeece we held hands as me let of the balloon for best "love you always max" I said. I looked up to the office window to see my mum looking out smiling at us. I headed back inside to see her with a class of whiskey "so how was your last day?" I asked her "I've decided that your right and I need to stay, actually Bolton changed my mind" "oh yeah" "yeah and you need to pull that skirt down its way to short for school" she said heading out of the door I rolled my eyes "well are you coming home or what" she said "coming" I called following her down the hallway.

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