a job

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Updated 22/3/14

"soph" "im sleeping" I said come on soph, lets go out" jess said sighing I sat up "really jess, really" I asked as I sat up "come on" "and what would mummy have to say" I smirked at her "mummy is in bed and she wouldn't know" she said "fine" I said as I got out of bed and dressed before sneaking out by the window. by the time we got back it was 5 in the morning and we snuck in by Harrys window "your off your head, you two" harry said "yeah, yeah is anyone up" I asked as I snuck back up to my room getting changed for school. "are you up sophie" asked Karen "yeah, two minutes" I said as I wiped off last nights make up and reapplied it with some fresh make up.

I walked to school and met up with lauren, sam and amy "i think he likes me" lauren said looking at josh "yeah, because letting you keep a pen is true love in the skies" I said. As we walked into the school, to see janeece handing out leaflets for the morning after pill. "what are you trying to say" I asked her smirking "nothing soph, you know if I could of took the morning after pill I would have" "that's horrible janeece" I said "sorry,i..its just a baby im not ready" she said "you know theres always opinions" I said before walking off to registration.

I found tom walking in the hallway he was talking with mr mead I walked passed him heading down the hall "ill catch up to you later" tom said before he came running up to me "sophie" he called I stopped and turned around to face him "what" I said "look we need to talk, you need to get the pill" he said "i cant..i mean the nurse will tell my aunt and then she'll tell my mum and my mum thinks were over and she'll want to know who im sleeping with" I said "i know its my fault, we weren't careful enough" he said "tom we've always been so careful with us...protection and now I just feel as if its too much hard work" I said to him "are you breaking up with me" he asked "i don't know, okay I just need to clear my head" I said walking away and leaving him standing in the hallway.

I found my way out of school by break I had an doctors appointment and no one could know about this, I got to the doctors and i could feel ill more ill than before I sat in the room waiting for the doctor to come in the room "so what is it doc, is it the brain tumour" I asked "Sophie, its a bit more complicated than that" "its a blood disorder sophie, which is caused by your brain tumour im sorry" I sat and starred "what does that mean for me" I asked "it means, Your going to need medication but the medication is not cheap and the NHS doesn't cover it" I nodded by head as I listened and the doctor talked "do you want me to call someone" he asked I shuck my head "no, my mums on her honeymoon I don't want to disturb her" I said. I left to go back to school but decided other wise and turned into a bar "is there any jobs going" I asked a big , bald and tall man "how old are you sweetheart" he asked "old enough" I said "look you look underage so I cant have you working on the bars, though I do have another job for you" he said leading me into a room with a pole "pole dancing?" I asked "well yes and no" "stripping" "yes, the jobs your if you want it" he said as I looked in my bag at the leaflet the doctor had given me "alright ill do it" I said "good you'll start tonight and im Steve by the way" he said "Sophie" I said.

I headed home and found tom sitting on my doorstep "what are you doing here, if Karen catches you here" I said "look soph, I wanted to talk to you" he said "come on" I said as I opened the door  and let him inside "what you said earlier" he said "tom" he walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders "i love you sophie, don't you understand that" he said I looked to the ground and felt tears welling in my eyes "i know ,you do this is why I have to do this" I said "please"  "i love you, tom this is why I have to do this I have to protect you and im sorry its over" I said kissing him on the lips he kissed me back before pulling away and storming out of the house. I stood there crying and sat on the stairs and cried until I had no more tears left to cry when Karen got home "sophie, are you okay" she asked I shuck my head and continued to cry.


Okay don't hate me, sophom will be back its just something I had to do. what do you think of Sophie keeping this all a secret, do you think she should of told tom, or Karen even. Sophie will continue to keep this a secret for the next few chapters. She will continue to hide her blood disorder along with the fact she's stripping for money, but she will be found out but who do you think she find out tom?, Eddie? or Rachel? or someone else?

Also Rachel and Eddie will be back in the next update.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now