New term

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updated: 10/3/17

I sat in the hospital with mum, while the doctors changed her dressing she couldn't look at herself "so when can I get back to work?" she asked "you have to understand with these types of injuries that time really is the greatest healer, you should consider further skin grafts" he said "no" "mum" I said "i said no, Sophie" "your not physically ready to go back nor mentally ready in my opinion" he said. soon we left the hospital "you cant go back, you heard what the doctor said" I said as we walked down the hall "im fine, Soph" "but your not I've sat with you every minute of it, the nightmares, the appointments, your not the only one who.., just leave it a bit" "i cant, im going back today, we both our" she said heading to the car "mum.." "no Sophie" "no mum, you've been through a lot okay and I don't think its healthy for you to be going back" I said "well, its a good thing that the opinion of my fifteen year old daughter counts" she said

Once we got to school we sat in the car as mum had her hand on the door handle waiting "we dont have to do this if you don't want to" I said "im ready" she said getting out of the car and getting knock by pupils who were playing football "watch it, idiots" I shouted as I put a hand on her lower back leading her inside "its okay, come on" I said heading into the school, she froze in the corridor just watching everyone "you okay?" I asked her "fine" she said heading up to the office. As I headed to registration "we've got assembly" said Chlo in the hallway "ah right" I said turning round and heading to the hall "how's your mum?" she asked "she's..coping" I said as I took a seat at the front with chlo. As mum headed in everyone started singing to her, I noticed she put her head down feeling embarrassed.

After Assembly, I had first period I was walking down the hall with Max and Janeece when Mr Budgen past us with a hair piece I burst out laughing "sir I think you've got something on top of your head" said janeece "is it a pet, has it got a name?" asked Max "oh my god, I think im dying" I said holding my ribs as I laughed. I had a free next period and decided that I would help out in the crèche as I had no homework yet with it being my first day back, I was working with Max who also offered to help out "Soph, I want to apologise about what I said about your mum the end of last term, your right I don't know anything about it, when I heard you ran into the fire I was so worried" she said "Max its fine""i heard you had a go at Haydock" she said and i smirked "yeah" "i heard that you were in the hospital, is it true" she asked I froze in spot and nodded "what happened?" "i got burnt in the fire" I said "where" I lifted my hair away form the back of my neck and showed her the burn mark "soph, that looks painful, is there nothing they can do?" "no, its a third degree burn im stuck with it" "jeez, what did your mum say" "i haven't told her, she's had a tough time and if I wear my hair down its fine" "you cant hide it forever, what about football you have to tell her, sometime" "i will just not yet" I said. At Break I stood in the hall at my locker when I spotted Tom, we both made eye contact before I slammed my locker shut and walked off "Sophie" he called after me as he grabbed my arm I turned around and looked at him "Tom, let go off my arm" i said and he did "please Soph, you haven't spoke to me all summer, since the fire" he said and I looked to the floor "im sorry, I just need some time" i said "you've had six weeks, how much more time do you need" he asked and I glanced to the floor "are you finishing things" he asked and I sighed "maybe...I don't know" i said before he walked off.

Lunch came around and I didn't feel very hungry so I just bought an apple from the canteen and was about to head outside when I seen the new PE teacher stretching, now I may even like P.E this year. my mum came out of the canteen with a banana and a cake "nice view" she said watching the new P.E teacher stretch "mother, really" I said as she turned around and looked at me "oh I didn't see you there, soph, you not having any lunch" she asked "i could ask you the same, I've got mine" I said biting into the apple, she narrowed her eyes a me "what, im not hungry" I said.

Last period I went off to my lesson I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach, feeling sick I headed to the toilets max had texted me;

Max: any idea why the school is being evacuated? x

Sophie: what, none at all x

Max: where are you? x

Sophie: toilets be out soon x

Max: Soph, what if its just another fire x

Sophie: don't say that if it was, the drill would be going off, wouldn't it x

Ten minutes later chlo text me;

Chlo: Soph, teachers are looking for you, there's a gun in the school, get out now x

Sophie: coming

A gun, no, not gonna happen I started to head out when I felt claustrophobic. my dad use to mess around with guns, he even threatened me a few times, so the thought of someone having a gun terrifies me. Mr Lawson came into the toilets and spotted me "Sophie, what are you doing here?" he asked "I..i felt ill then I got a text off Chlo about a gun and I cant move" I said "come on, lets get outside everyone's looking for you" he said putting a hand over my shoulder and leading my outside. once I got outside my mum ran up to me and pulled me into a hug "Sophie, my god I've been so worried" "im sorry mum I just froze I couldn't move" I said. Suddenly a gun shot went off and we ducked to the ground as mum sent we off into the ground of students.  max ran other to me "my god soph, are you okay" she asked I nodded my head as I noticed my mum run into the school "what is she playing at" I said. As I caught eye contact with Tom I smiled at him before he looked away.

It seemed like time went forever while she was in the school I was just waiting for another gun shot to go off, dreading it. Finally she came out of the school and I have never known relief like it "you cant save everyone" I shouted at her "what if I lose you" I said "i can try" she said before walking off, as I left to go to school. I headed home later that night and lay on the sofa watching TV, not long after that mum got home with Melissa "what is she doing here?" I asked "she's your aunt Sophie and she'll be working at the school" "she's a bitch" I said storming off to my room and slamming the door not before hearing my mum shout "Sophie, get back here" she yelled after me but Ignored her.

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