Bacon and awkward conversations.

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The food of the gods.
That was basically what Nyx thought as she smelt the sizzling rashers of goodness cooking downstairs.
Crawling out of bed she zombie-walked to the door, stumbling across the landing and down the stairs, following the scent like a hunter on the prowl.

In the kitchen she found Travis, bright eyed and awake, cooking bacon in a pan.
"Morning sleepy-head."
"Morning Travis. Hey, I've got a question. How come Abigail is your daughter and yet Rachel and I are the ones up at three in the morning when she cries?"
Travis shrugged. "Guess I just didn't hear her. Thanks for dealing with it, though."

Nyx rubbed her eyes, blinking like an owl. "Okay, just one more thing. Actually, it's like an extension of the previous thing. Why are you ignoring your baby?"
Travis looked awkward. "I'm not!"
Nyx raised an eyebrow. "We've had her almost a year and never once have you been the one to feed, change or sooth her."
"I'm not ignoring her, I swear! it's just... Okay, I haven't been able to give her as much attention as I should, but... I've been busy!"
"Uh-huh." Nyx nodded her head knowingly. "Busy. Your current job involves nothing but hawking home printed t-shirts on eBay, you left collage and you seem to have plenty of time to run to Starbucks to eye up that blonde chick at the counter. That is not a busy life. That is the sad life of a man who's never gonna move out of his mum's house, but it's not busy. So, why are you ignoring your baby?"

Travis dumped a pile of bacon on a plate in front of her. "Eat. Now."

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