Office hallway

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Waiting in a strange hallway outside an office whilst your mother and brother are interviewed about their suitability to care for a baby you love as if it we're your own was the worst feeling in the world.

Abby lay asleep in her pram, oblivious to the fact her fate was being decided a few feet away.
Nyx rocked the pram absentmindedly, nibbling her lip and fidgeting with nerves. Nick and Selene were the same, but at least they had each other for comfort. In fact, they were making Nyx nauseous with the hugs, reassuring kisses and whispering.
Travis and Rachel were in the office, talking to whatever Shadowhunter official handled  child adoption.
Nyx hummed quietly, tapping her feet rhythmically on the floor.
It was going to be alright.
They had looked after Abby wonderfully, and were entirely suitable to be her family.
They were her family.
They'd looked after her capably for almost a year with no incidents, fed her, clothed her, comforted her, loved her.
She was just a child, she couldn't be ripped away from them so heartlessly.
She was their baby.

Selene, leaving Nick for a moment, came and wrapped an arm around Nyx, gently kissing the top of her head.
"It'll be okay. They're probably just checking on her. They'll see how well we've looked after her, and everything will be fine."
Nyx nodded, dabbing at the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
Selene squeezed her shoulders, pulling her close. "It's okay, it'll all be okay. Look, go to sleep. You must be tired with all the midnight-baby runs you do."
Nyx closed her eyes, snuggling into Selene's shoulder.
She zoned out, enjoying the peace of rest.
It didn't last long.
"Miss Nyx L'ange? Could I possibly have a word with you?"

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