Dreaming in the park

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Nyx sat on the park bench, Abby sitting on her lap. Nyx was pointing out various things in the park.
"Look Abby, a butterfly! Isn't it pretty! And look! It's landed on a daisy. Daisy, Abby. You like daisy's don't you?"
She picked a daisy and held it up to Abby. "See? Daisy."
Abby clapped her hands happily, trying to grab the daisy.
Nyx chuckled. "No, you can't have the daisy, cause I know you'll put it in your mouth and it isn't edible. But your daddy is getting some ice cream, yeah? You gonna share my ice cream?"
Abby grinned, clapping her hands.
"I don't know what Travis was talking about." Nyx said to her. "You obviously can understand what we are saying. I mean, you definitely recognize the word ice cream!"
She looked across the park to where Travis was waiting at the kiosk. "He's not the best, most attentive dad you could have, but he's definitely got money for treats. And he is trying. At least he actually came to the park."

Nyx's gaze drifted away from Travis to a small family in the playground.
The father was pushing his little girl on the swings, both of them smiling as she yelled at him to go higher, her long brown hair trailing out behind her like a streamer. The mother sat nearby,  watching her young son showing off on the monkey bars. A baby slept in a pram besides the mother, under the shade of the trees. The scene was just so... perfect. So picturesque.

Nyx smiled softly. One day, that would be her. The proud mother with her loving husband, surrounded by her children.
Her mother and siblings would be there too and Maddie would be awake and Abby would be with her...

Abby let out a small sound, reminiscent of an baby animal in distress.

"Wow. I come to visit the baby of the family, only to discover she has a baby of her own. Should I be worried about your extracurricular activities?"

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