Trick or treat

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The plan was as follows.
Rachel, Selene, Nick and Owen were going to go set up the party at Lady Mater's place.
Travis and Nyx were taking Abby trick or treating.

Travis carried Abby up to the door of the next house, Nyx skipping behind with a bag stuffed full of sweets. Apparently babies in adorable tooth fairy outfits had the exact same effect on Mundanes and Downworlders alike; lots of cooing and aww's and a massive handful of sweets in Nyx's bag.

But what really touched Nyx more than anything was Travis interacting with Abby.
He'd been so distant from her for so many months, it was actually weird to see him enjoying spending time with his daughter.
Currently, he was pulling faces and making her laugh, her adorable little laugh that brought a smile to Nyx's face.
She felt as though this were a good omen, a sign that things were falling into place.

"Trick or treat!"
"Oh my god, she's so cute! Is she yours? Here, have some sweets! Oh, she's a little cutie, aren't you? Yes you are!"
Nyx grinned at the ladies reaction as she doled sweets into the bag. A good omen indeed.

At long last they made the trek up to Lady Mater's mansion.
In the dim light of the lamps, the place had been transformed. Halloween decorations turned the front lawn from an elegant garden to a haunted graveyard, complete with polystyrene gravestones and very plastic ghosts, skeletons and zombie limbs.
The windows and doors of the house were hung with cobwebs and ghost streamers. Light spilled out of the open front doors, like a golden pathway showing their way. The continuous beat of music echoed around the place.
Nyx looked irritated. "I told them not to start the party without us!"

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