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Nyx gasped for air, trying to shake off the panicky nausea feeling.
"I... can't... I can't... breathe!"
"Shh, it's okay. Just concentrate. Don't panic, just breathe."

The oxygen slowly crept back into her lungs, the world snapping back into sharp focus.
"You're alright now?" Sebastian asked, face full of concern.
"No." Definitely not. In fact, she quite liked the idea of just laying down on the sidewalk and giving up on life. It'd be less confusing and a lot less terrifying.

A tear escaped down her cheek. "I... I...I don't... I can't... I... what?"
A finger brushed away her tears. "Whatever you think you saw, it's  not like that."
"Oh yeah? And then what is it like? 'Oh, I just found a group of deadly war machine/animal things and thought we could have a civil conversation?' I don't even know what I think I saw!"

"Okay, then I'll tell you. What you saw was me, trying to get the Draugr off my back about finding some weapon Lilith accidentally left in Lady Mater's mansion, you know, when she was possessing her. Also, I think they know something about my blackouts. But I'm not working with them or anything. In fact, I literally hate them."

"Huh." Nyx thought about it. It sounded convincing. It actually made sense. But then again, it could so be a clever lie. An almost truth, maybe, but not the whole picture.
"I... don't know if I believe you."

Sebastian groaned and rubbed his face. "Look, what would I gain from lying to you? You already don't trust me, which probably shouldn't hurt but it does, and technically I owe you everything, and besides... I just don't... like the idea of lying to you."

Nyx nibbled her lip in thought. "Okay, let's say I considered believing you. But you have to tell me everything. I want all the facts on the table."

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