Cousin Owen

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There was a knock at the door. Nyx rolled her eyes, walking over and opening it wide. "No, we... oh, hello. Can I help you?"
"I'm Owen, Selene's cousin. She did tell you I was coming, didn't she?"
"Uh, yeah... I just had this mental image that you were a child."

Owen was most definitely not a child. He was tall, muscular and tan with dark hair tied back in a mini ponytail and dark blue eyes, similar to Selene. A travel bag was slung casually over his shoulder, he was definitely what some people would consider 'hot'.

Nyx muttered under her breath. "Oh very funny, Selene. Very funny."
Now she knew why Selene had been so insistent that she showed him around. Nyx was going to kill her for this one. Trying to set Nyx up with her cousin? Not cool!

Selene's smug face as she lead Owen into the living room confirmed everything she'd been thinking.
Nyx gave her the death glare. She was dead, so dead, so extremely and horribly dead.
Selene ran up to Owen and wrapped him up in a hug. "Owen, good to see you! I hope you've had a good flight!"
"Actually, I drove here."
"A good drive then!  So, you've met Nyx already, the others will be around soon. So tell me, how's life with the pack? Cracked and decided to join my 'lone wolf' lifestyle yet?"
Owen chuckled. "Not quite yet. But if your sister doesn't stop taking whatever crazy pills she's on, that may soon change."
"Running the pack ragged again?"
"She's a maniac. A while ago, half our pack goes mysteriously missing, she doesn't give a damn, says it's too risky to go find them, that it was probably their fault for leaving. A couple of days later, we find most of them dead in an ally, almost... rotted-like. And still she doesn't even care!"

Nyx suppressed a shiver. Rotted-like? Sounded like the Draugr.

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