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Nyx caught up with Sebastian as he approached the stairs.
"Where were you?"
He ignored her, sweeping past her and up the staircase.
Nyx stomped her foot. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"
"Oh, you're talking to me? Why should I listen to you anymore than you listened to me?"
Nyx was speechless. "Uh... you actually have a point, but... are you alright?"
He continued up the stairs without a word.

Nyx shrugged, turning to Lady Mater. "Well, he's still alive. Is that a good thing?"
"I think so. Depends." She turned to the ballroom. "So, shall I attempt to negotiate a step-ladder in heels to get the assorted paper monsters off my walls?"
Nyx giggled. "Yeah, you can be like that lady in Jurassic World who can outrun a T-rex in heels! Except, you know, climbing a step ladder and the T-rex is a plastic ghost and your not running away from it and... Yeah, jokes gone."
Lady Mater chuckled. "I have no idea what you're talking about but... Yeah!"

Nick turned up just as it got dark, bringing with him some takeout for the hungry workers. Nyx laughed when she saw him. "Your hair is still green!"
"Yes, I know. Shut up and eat your chips."

There was a tense atmosphere between Nick and Selene. Neither of them greeted the other in the affectionate way they usually did, even avoiding eye contact over three seconds.
Nyx blew out a sigh. She'd heard all about what had happened and was annoyed that the party had been broken up because Selene had chosen to suck face with someone other then Nick.
This was why Nyx didn't get drunk. Not that she really dated either.

Owen came and sat by Nyx. "Having fun?"
" 's alright."
He smiled weakly at her. "It's just all awkward now because of Nick and Selene isn't it?"
"It was bad enough when they were dating, especially cause I view them both as siblings. Surprisingly, this is worse."

Owen grimaced. "Will it be too obvious and cheesy if I attempt to claim not all our family are like that, Selene just gets stupid when she's drunk?"
Nyx chuckled. "A little cheesy, but I don't mind."

Uh oh, Owen's making moves on Nyx! (Badly written, barely obvious moves, but still!)
That may not go down well with someone!

Also, do you think I should do a cast list?
Not that I really have any good ideas of who should play which of my characters.

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