Terrifying conversations

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It was... surreal.

Here she was, in a park, sitting next to Sebastian Morgenstern, playing make-the-baby-smile.

"Whee, look at you dancing! You're so clever! Yes you are!"
Whereas Nyx usually had no qualms with doing the weird baby talk thing, but now she almost felt embarrassed. Sebastian was just watching her interact with Abby, a faint smile on his lips.
Ah, well. At least it saved her from a conversation involving questions she had no answer to.

"Is she yours?"

Or maybe it created new questions. Still better than the previous topic of conversation.

"Um, not really. Her mother... Well, she had some complications with the birth. She's currently in a coma. Her father is my step-brother. He's only over there."
She added the last bit as a precaution, just so he knew he couldn't just kidnap them or whatever he was planning. Not that he'd probably be deterred, but still.

The key was to just find out what he wanted and find a way to send him on his way out of her life, whilst not displaying fear.
Except he didn't seem to want anything in particular. That could be an issue.

"You know, I actually didn't ask your name?"

"Please stop making conversation and go away." Nyx silently pleaded.
"Um... I'm sorry, but I don't tell people I just met."
"Particularly not when they have a history of killing people and trying to destroy the world."

He smirked slightly, shrugging. "Understandable. You're cautious. I'd be in your position. But just so you know, it's definitely not in my best interest to do anything to harm you. In fact," he chuckled slightly. "I'm a little in awe of you. But that's not important. I need your help."

"Okay, now I'm suspicious."

"It's not anything bad! Just personal. Look, I don't think here or now is the best place to discuss this. Can I meet up with you at some later date to talk about this?"


He shifted agitatedly on the bench. "Please? You did this to me, you know. It's your responsibility."

"No, technically, it's Lilith's responsibility."

"Yeah, but she can't fix this!"

Nyx raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure if you want to go back to being dead, there's about a thousand people willing to  help you with that."

"You're not listening! Look, I'll come find you some other time when you've not got the baby to worry about. I just really need your help."

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