Going out

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"Um, Nick, Travis, if Selene set me up on a date, would you do the overprotective brother speech and scare him off?"

Nick put down the newspaper and smiled at Nyx. "We'll be on our best behavior, honest."
Nyx shook her head. "No, you don't understand. I want you to do the overprotective brother speech and scare him off."
Travis chuckled. "Wow. Who did she set you up with?"
"Oh, you know. She just casually suggested too Owen that me and him going on a double date with her and Nick would be a good idea."

Nick spluttered. "Wait, we're going on a double date? No one told me!"
Selene chose that moment to walk into the room. "Nick, how would you feel about us going on a double date with Nyx and Owen?"
Nyx giggled under her breath. Oh, the irony. It was too much.
Nick struggled for words. "Uh... yeah. I suppose..."
Nyx shot him the evil eye from over the counter.
Nick shrunk back in his seat a little. "But... Nyx and Owen? Are you sure?"
"Certain sure. I think that if they just took a little time to get to know each other, they'd get along great."

"Uh uh, no way." Nyx cut in. "He's too... guyish. Yeah, he's guyish. He's just... one of them guys."
Selene rolled her eyes, smiling sweetly. "Yes, we have established he is a guy. What's the issue?"
"He... he looks a bit like Jacob Black. And for a werewolf, that's just sad. And tacky. And just... yeah."
Selene sighed in exasperation. "You can't use Twilight as an excuse not to date."
"I can and I will."

Nick intervened. "Okay, how about instead of giving it labels, the four of us just go out, as a group, and get coffee. Heck, Travis can come if he wants!"

Now do more people understand my irritation?

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