Alone in the dark

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Sebastian crept, silent as a cat, around the side of the mansion.

The building stood deathly quite, no light shone in the windows. Not a figure stirred. The whole place seemed empty and skeleton-like.
But he could tell they were in there. Draugr had an uncanny way of leaving their 'mark' on a place. It was just a sense, a sense of death and destruction, blowing through the seemingly deserted shell of the house.

He wished he'd got some decent weapons. Short of an old penknife, he hadn't had chance to pick any up. He hadn't thought he'd need to pick any up, to be honest.

On reflection, he realised he'd been rather stupid. Of course Lilith wasn't just going to leave him alone, just because he'd said he wasn't interested.

On further reflection, this was very probably a trap.

Being dead had made his brain slow. Usually he would have seen all this before hand.

Ah, well. No rest for the wicked.

Drawing his tiny knife, feeling how pitiful it was compared to what he was used to, he peered through the shadows, trying to make out the slightest movement. The trick was to see them before they saw you. From what he'd observed, Draugr could be very stealthy when they wanted to.

There. A shadow, slipping through the trees, towards the house.

Nyx pulled her coat further around herself. She'd stayed put, she wasn't dead yet, all in all, things had turned out well.
Apart from the fact she jumped at every sound, in a permanent loop of panic.

How long had it been? She didn't know.

What was going on? She didn't know that either.

She was alone, in the dark, outside the ghostly, silent mansion.

She shivered again.
"Think positive, Nyx. He's probably only been gone a short time. Nothings going to get you."

If only she could believe that.

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