Revelation, Accusation and excuses

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Nyx barely had time to think about what he'd said before he spoke again.
"And I think your friends are getting suspicious. I'll go now, before they lynch me for keeping you from them. Just... think about what I said, okay? If you come up with any answers, I'm not difficult to find. I managed to persuade a friend of yours to let me stay in her mansion."

Nyx blinked in surprise. "You mean... Lady Mater?"
"That's the one. Evelyn Mater. Lovely lady. Talks about you a lot." His eyes twinkled as if he knew something she didn't. "You should probably visit her again sometime soon anyway. It's a lonely life she lives. And your blonde friend is coming over to give me the Spanish inquisition so I'm going to leave now."

Swiftly and gracefully he got up from the booth and strode to the door, walking out without even a glance back.
A moment later Selene returned towing Nick and Owen behind her. "Who was that?" She said, voice edged with accusation.
Nyx stumbled for a believable answer. "Uh... brother of a friend of a friend. You wouldn't know him."
Selene eyed her suspiciously. "Uh huh. You don't happen to... I don't know... like him in that way at all? Cause I'm perfectly fine if you do, I'm just curious." Her expression seemed to say otherwise.
Nyx snorted. "Selene, I'm very flattered but you're dating my brother. It would be wrong."
"Wait... that's not what I meant and you know it!"

Nyx grinned, taking a long drink of her coffee, zoning out of the conversation. She was still reeling from a few moments ago.

Sebastian Morgenstern was staying at Lady Mater's place. Why ,oh why, oh why did it always seem to lead back to that woman?

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