Beautiful moment

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Abby gurgled happily, waving Sebastian's fingers around with her little pudgy hand.
Then she let go, leaning out of Nyx's arms and reaching towards his face, trying to grab him with her tiny fingers.
Nyx chuckled. "I think she wants to come over to you. Hey, do you want to hold her?"
Sebastian looked nervous again. "No, it's okay."
"Oh come on, she's not that bad. A very well behaved little lady actually."
He shook his head. "No, I... I think she's better with you."
Nyx rolled her eyes. "Just take her already. I know you want to."

She gently placed Abby in his arms, and he cradled her carefully, looking freaked out. Nyx giggled. "Okay, that's completely changed my impression of you. Relax a little, she's not china."
Abby looked up into his face, smiling toothily. She grabbed his shirt and, wriggling her little body, pulled herself up besides his face. She tangled her fingers in the hair besides his ear, playing with the pale strands.
He smiled slightly, trying to look at her out of the corner of his eyes.
"What's she doing?"
"Getting to know you, of course."

Abby wiggled around again, putting her palms on his cheeks. She chatted away in baby language, giggling as she explored the planes if his face.
Nyx couldn't help but smile at sight before her, Sebastian's face was so full of wonder at the small child in his arms.

Then, as seemed to be the rule of the universe, this beautiful moment was shattered, this time by a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Nyx called out.
Luci stuck her head into the room. "Uh, this is probably a bad time but Nick got into a fight with someone and now Rachel's sending everyone home."

"Well that's just swell." Grumbled Nyx, taking back Abby and strapping her into the carrier. She turned to Sebastian. "Hey... uh... I'll see you tomorrow, probably. We'll be back here for clean-up."
He grinned. "Sure."

Abby screeched as they left, reaching towards him. Nyx chuckled. "You changed your mind fast. I thought you didn't like him."

Don't worry, I hear you. 'Enough of the out-of-character mush, it's so sweet you're giving us toothache! Get back to the exciting stuff!'
Believe me, I plan to.

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