Dealing with the devil

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Sebastian's face went expressionless, closing down. "You told me."
Nyx shook her head. "I did not. I made sure not to. Try again."
"Maybe I heard it somewhere. " He shrugged. "It's not hard to find out someones name."

"Okay, you are on the verge of sounding creepy." Nyx waved her hands around, trying to make sense of everything. "I'll tell you what we'll do. You go home and think very carefully about what you're going to say, I'll stay here and go to bed and we'll meet up some other time. 'kay?"

"As you say, Alysha."

Nyx looked at him, eyes wide in shock. "You did that on purpose! You know I'll have to ask you what that name means, and in doing so we'll have to have a conversation! That's not fair!" His face remained expressionless, but his eyes glinted wickedly.
"Life's not fair. Get over it."
She pointed a finger at him accusingly. "Why, you... "

He grabbed her wrist, pulling her close. His voice whispered harshly in her ear. "It looks like we both have issues, doesn't it? Let's make a deal. I'll help you if you help me. Trust me, I can get you anything you want on 'Alysha'. I just need your help."
Nyx glared at him. "I have no idea how to solve your problems. Try a psychologist."

"Yes, I'll just casually go to a psychologist and tell them that I am a formerly dead, half-angel being corrupted at birth with
demon blood, I killed more people than I want to count and tried to take over the world through means I don't want to remember, I'm using my reflection as a backup body after I died and got resurrected by an eighteen year old girl with colour changing eyes. They're gonna love that!"

"Alright, I get the picture." Nyx held up her hands in surrender. "What exactly do you want me to do?"
He breathed heavily. "Figure out a way I can stay human."

I apologise if it doesn't sound quite right.
As I said, he's a difficult character to write!

Also, was I getting a bit ahead of myself when I got bored yesterday and spent an hour or two looking through wedding dress options for Nyx?

I mean CHRISTMAS dresses! Yes, Christmas dresses, because Christmas and everything Christmassy... because Christmas.

I shall neither confirm or deny anything.

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