Open door policy

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Lady Mater was sitting in her office writing out an insurance statement for the party when the doors flew open with a crash.
"What have you done to my son?"
Lady Mater didn't even look up. "Lovely to see you too, Lilith. I gave him a room. I figure that's allowed, unless you want him sleeping in the street?"

The Mother of demons was less than impressive. In fact, she looked physically ill. Her face was hollow and starved, her skin no longer smooth but grey and clammy. Her hair was thin and wirey, hastily bound back in an failed effort to make herself look somewhat credible, let alone intimidating.
Lady Mater held back a snicker, forcing a straight face.

"And why is he traveling across several continents to have 'a room' in this place?" Lilith demanded angrily.
Lady Mater put down her pen, folding her hands neatly in front of her. "I don't know. I didn't ask. But as long as he doesn't start anything, he is welcome here"
"Your little open door policy. Well let me tell you. He isn't lost!" Lilith screeched.  "He isn't one of your outcasts, one of your little projects you fix up with some counseling and a cookie. You listen here..."
"No, you listen here. I didn't steal him. He sought me out. Maybe you should ask yourself why. Now please leave."

For the first time in a long while, Lilith was stunned speechless.
Lady Mater got up, dusting down her suit and marching to the door. "Leave. Or I'll have you escorted out."
"You dare..."
"Oh, I dare. My daughter kicked your ass with the power of her mind. You have no power here. No one follows you anymore. You got beaten by an untrained teenage girl, and people know that. Any reputation you had is gone. Even your 'son' has abandoned you. If anyone's lost here, it's you."

Lady Mater breathed a sigh of relief after she'd left. That had felt so good, it was unbelievable.

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