Decisions, decisions

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"Hey, Nick, the Shadowhunter girl I told you about is here!"
Nick looked confused. "You didn't tell me about any Shadowhunter girl."
Nyx furrowed her brow. "Didn't I? I thought I did. Weird."
It wasn't weird at all. She hadn't told him about her. It was just by yelling that at Nick she was surreptitiously warning a certain other person in the room, who, just as she expected, made a show of looking in any other direction whilst in discussion with Luci.

Nyx turned to Julianna. "Abby's having a nap, but I can go get her."
Julianna nodded. "Sure. We'll wait here."
Nyx forced a smile before heading up the stairs.
"Well, I was gonna say come with me, but hey! If the universe seems to really want us to get caught today, who am I to stop it!"

A short while later, Nyx walked back down the stairs carrying Abby, who was recycling her tooth fairy outfit as a Christmas angel, complete with a tiny tinsel halo.
In the living room she found a heated debate going on between Nick, Travis, Julianna and Luci, whilst 'Christopher' watched in mild amusement and Selene attempted to get his attention.

"... But Truth or dares awesome!" Argued Julianna. "When else do you get to persuade someone to run naked down the street singing Copacabana?"
"Yes, but in Spin the bottle you get to kiss people! And with the current boy/girl ratio, I like the odds of having a rather enjoyable evening."
Nick eyed Travis sceptically. "We're gonna end up in lip-lock cause you said that now, aren't we? Nah, Strip poker's the best. Nyx'll agree with me, won't you Nyx?"

Four pairs of eyes fell on Nyx. "Whoa, I was just getting the baby! Uh... we have time to kill. All three?"
Luci grinned wickedly. "This is gonna be fun!"

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