Strip poker

230 8 5

"... And I have four sixes, so I get the shirt of our Strip poker sponsor, Nikolaus Evans."

Nyx was wiping the floor with everyone. Again.
Nick scowled as he removed his shirt, more-so when a volley of wolf-whistles came his direction from Travis. "Give it a rest, man. It ain't funny anymore."
"On the contrary, your reaction is hilarious, my humourously​ challenged friend."

Nick begrudgingly handed over his shirt. Nyx chuckled. "Let me guess, this is similar to the boy/girl ratio thing. You wanted to see the girls loose various items of clothing, which by the way I could take as very offensive if I wasn't whopping your ass and enjoying every minute. But I am the master, no one can beat me!"

Travis stuck out his tongue. "Yeah yeah, you sure there's not some ulterior motive for making us loose our clothes, little miss sweet and innocent?"
Nyx took a sip of her drink, eyes twinkling mischievously. "Hey, you're the one who wants to see Nick naked. I'm just winning Poker."
The laughter was resounding as Nick groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Drop it already!"
Travis chuckled. "That's it, she's going down. Who's with me?"

Half an hour later, Nyx was wishing she'd worn more clothes as she'd lost both her shoes, one to Travis and one to Sebastian, her stockings to Owen, her floral hairband to Julianna, and suddenly she wasn't left with much she could afford to gamble, short of her dress. But technically, according to the pile of clothes besides her, she was still winning.
All she needed was to not be beaten again, cause she didn't fancy playing in her underwear.

"...And looky-here, I have a straight." She said, laying out her cards.
"Ace-high flush."
You know, beaten like that.

Suddenly, a flurry of green and Luci landed next to her, hurling her dress in the boys general direction. "New rules, boys vs girls."
Nyx raised an eyebrow. "So basically I win the game and we have to share the credit?"
"Yeah, but you get more clothes to gamble." Said Julianna, settling down on her other side.

I actually know nothing about Poker, strip or otherwise. Most of the Poker stuff was thanks to Google, so I apologise if it's wrong.

But hey, fun right?

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