Rachel's discovery

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Rachel came home at eleven o'clock at night to find her youngest daughter and a boy she'd never met before asleep in her living room whilst the DVD's copyright information showed in Dutch on the TV screen.

She coughed loudly. "Ahem!"
Nyx sat bolt upright, almost falling off the sofa. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it!"
Rachel raised an eyebrow and looked pointedly at Sebastian, who seemed to be still asleep.

Nyx nibbled her lip. "Ah."
Rachel smiled, eyes narrowed suspiciously. "And this is... who exactly?"
"And Christopher is... what? Your study-buddy?"
Nyx rolled her eyes. "No. He's... I don't quite know. But he asked me out and I like him, so whatever you do please do not go scary mama bear on him."

She could have sworn she saw his lips twitch slightly out of the corner of her eye. She mentally sighed in exasperation. Of course he would begin to wake up in time to hear that.

Leaning towards him, she 'gently' poked him in the ribs. "Wake up. My mum's giving you the evil eye."

'Christopher' rubbed his eyes, slyly slipping on his sunglasses before turning to Rachel. "Uh... Hi, Rachel."
"It's Miss L'ange to you. Now where did you come from?"

He looked confused. "I'm sorry?"
Rachel spoke calmly, though the tone was somehow threatening. "How did you end up with my daughter?"
"Uh... um..." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Nyx tried not to laugh. It was not funny watching him squirm under Rachel's gaze. Okay, it was a tiny bit funny.

She cut in. "We met in the park, started talking, became friends, I invited him to Halloween, Selene then invited him to Christmas eve, we met by chance on New year's and now we're kinda going out. That right?"

'Christopher' nodded, looking relieved.

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