Date night

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Date night seemed to consist of chilling in the living room with snacks whilst watching a movie. This time it was Percy Jackson, and it was hilarious how sceptical of everything Sebastian was. Ah, well. He seemed to be having fun picking the movie to bits.

Abby was sitting on a mat on the floor in front of them, playing with toys. Her favourite game seemed to be gumming something until it was all saliva-y and wet, then putting it on Sebastian's leg, making a damp patch.
He grinned, scooping her up. "You're a little terror, aren't you?"

She squealed happily, waving her teething ring in his face. Nyx smiled. "And to think she used to really not like you."
He shrugged. "You used to not like me. Look where you are now."

Abby slid off his lap, half-crawling, half-rolling her way back to her toys. Nyx chuckled. "Nothing beats the lure of primary coloured plastic. Nothing."

Sighing, she swung her feet up into his lap, wiggling her toes. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, now you want me to massage your feet, your highness?"
He rolled his eyes, yanking off her socks. Smirking, he tickled her feet, making her kick and giggle. "Stoppit! Stop it!" She squealed.
"What?" He asked, mock-innocently. "I'm just doing as you asked. Hey, you've got wings on your ankles!"

She smiled. "Yup. My birthday present last year."
"Cool." He traced his finger over her ankle bone, admiring the design. "Didn't take you for a tattoo kind of girl."
"Yeah, well, I'm full of surprises."
He pulled her close, lightly kissing her lips. "That you are."

His phone went off.

Cursing under his breath, he yanked it out. "Hello? Evelyn? Wha... how? Evelyn? Damn it!"

He switched off the call, breathing hard.
"Draugr got into the mansion. They're tearing up the place."

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