On reflection...

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Nyx lay in her room, tracing patterns mindlessly on the ceiling with her eyes.

She liked patterns. Patterns she could understand. Patterns were constant. Patterns never changed.

She sighed.

He was never coming back.

He had been replaced by this other... person.
He was still a person, she wouldn't believe otherwise.

She wasn't hungry. She wasn't thirsty. She wasn't tired. She wasn't even bored.
She just... wasn't anything.

Maybe it would have been better if she'd died.
The result would have been the same, she just wouldn't have to live through it.
Although it wasn't her fault, the guilt was suffocating.

"Really, Nyx? It's not like you wanted to get stabbed."

"Yeah, but I still feel guilty. I mean, I didn't have to be there. It's partially my fault."

Mindlessly, she began playing with her hair, threading it between her fingers.

"Maybe you shouldn't have gotten involved at all. You could kind of see something like this happening from the start."

"But he needed help! I couldn't have just abandoned him! I didn't think it would blow up this much!"

"No, because that's what you always do. You just assume it'll all be alright, and then you dive right in with the good Samaritan act, and then we all have to suffer the consequences!"

Nyx sat bolt upright. That had not been in her head.

"Over here. In the mirror."

Nyx choked. "You're... You're..."

Her reflection raised an eyebrow, arms crossed sassily over her chest. "You? Alive? Incredibly sexy? It's got to be one of those three."

"You're... You're..."

"Good God, don't say I broke you. But you finally stopped blocking us, and now I kinda just want to say... You're killing us, and we're not impressed. He's a guy! Yeah, an evil, sexy, badass guy, but a guy! Go get some food. We need to have a conversation."

Nyx swallowed, terrified out of her mind. Her reflection rolled her eyes. "Go!" She pointed angrily to the door.

Nyx didn't need to be told twice. She ran out of that room fast as if the devil himself were chasing her.

End of book 2.

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