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Travis, Nick, Selene and Nyx all staggered into the house, arguing loudly. Rachel pinched the bridge of her nose. "For the love of God, shut up and go to bed!"

Nyx wandered sleepily into her room, rubbing at her bleary eyes.
Then she stopped dead in her tracks.
"What the hell are you doing here?"

Sebastian sat casually on her windowsill, smiling lazily. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't stay in that house another minute. It was dark, depressing and your mother is a bitch."
Nyx gave him a dark look. "Rachel is not a bitch. She's a lovely person and if you say otherwise, we are going to fall out."
His mouth twitched a smirk. "You don't know, do you? That's... interesting."

"Don't know what?" Nyx looked confused. "Do I need to know whatever it is?"
"Oh, yes, I think you need to know this." His smirk deepened. "But it's also not my secret to tell. And it's more fun this way."
"No, tell me." She glared at him, making him laugh. "Tell me. Tell me. For God's sake, just tell me!"

He chuckled and hopped off her windowsill.
"Nope, don't want to. As I said, more fun this way." He looked around the room, evaluating her possessions. "Talk to me or something. I'm bored."
"How is that my problem?"
"I'm your guest. Let's do something fun."
She rolled her eyes. "Fun like what?"
"As I remember, I owe you half a dance."
"I'm happy to let that slide. I really am."

He took her hand and pulled her close. "Humor me."
He put his arm around her waist, taking her hand in his. She rested her other hand on his shoulder.
They waltzed slowly in a little circle, him humming a slow tune into her ear.
Nyx tried to ignore the tingles running up and down her spine, trying to ignore how his touch affected her. Trying to ignore his hand on her hips and his breath by her ear.

Something was very wrong with him. She could feel it. He was hanging by a thread. And she could feel it breaking.

I know it's not great. But it's difficult to write about Sebastian! It actually really is!

Also, what do you think of this song for this story?
I discovered this singer yesterday, and some of her stuff really works!

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