Not welcome

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She could see it, a black shape against the black night.
In the cot, Abby wailed in terror, wanting to feel the safety in a comforting embrace.
Nyx stepped closer towards the figure. "Leave my house. You aren't welcome here."
The figure crouched into a low and predatory stance. Nyx shifted into a defensive position, stationing herself between it and Abby. "Leave! Now!"
The figure moved, silent as the breeze, faster than lighting, charging at Nyx.
She raised her arms to deflect it, unintentionally closing her eyes...

A chill passed through Nyx, cold as ice, settling into the pit of her stomach.
She tentatively opened an eye. Nothing.
Fishing around on the wall besides her, she found the light switch, flicking it on.
The bright, fluorescent light burned her sleep crusted eyes, making her blink in shock.
The room was normal. No sign of anything unusual.

She scooped up the tearful Abby. "Hush, little chick. It's gone now. Was that what scared you, huh? Were you trying to tell us? You have better senses than me, I must say." She bounced her on her hip, walking around the room. "You're okay now, we scared the nasty monster away. We're all safe now. You're so brave! My big brave girl, I'm so proud of you!"

Abby snuggled into Nyx's shoulder, making little whimpering noises. Nyx gently kissed her forehead. "Ssh, go to sleep little chick, I've got you. I'll look after you."

A cool breeze caught Nyx's attention. The window was open, blowing cold air into the room. Nyx sighed. "We need to get better window locks." She muttered, walking over and using her Abby-less arm to pull it closed. Her reflection looked back at her, faint against the window glass, cradling a sleeping Abby in her arms. Nyx smiled sleepily. They looked so peaceful, so perfect together. Just a normal girl and her adopted child.

The reflection winked swiftly at her. Nyx chocked.

Reflections of StarsWhere stories live. Discover now