Three's a crowd

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Well, at least he was still wearing the sunglasses.

Nyx forced a stretched grin onto her face, speaking in a friendly tone. "What are you doing here?"
"No, really, what are you doing here? And not just in the coffee house, in my life in general."

His lips twitched as if he were restraining a smirk. "I just came to pay you a visit. What, I'm not allowed to do that?"
"Not at the current second, no."

Owen fidgeted nervously. Sebastian made an appearance of noticing him for the first time.
"Oh, now I see. That explains a lot. Well, I'm so sorry to intrude, but it's really important."
The sarcastic edge to his voice told Nyx he wasn't sorry at all.

Nyx rolled her eyes. "Then just say it."
"Okay, if you're sure. It revolves around a certain mirror-related experiment that went wrong, but if you're fine with discussing it in front of ponytail here..."
"Hey!" Owen objected. "No need to make fun. We're all friends here."
"Really? Well in that case you can go get me a snack. I'm starving."

Owen glared at him. "Heck no. Get your own."
Sebastian grinned wickedly. "Okay, there probably is one more polite way to say this, but you don't seem to be getting it. Go away, I need a few minutes with your lady friend."

Nyx pinched the bridge of her nose, breathed hard. "Owen, maybe you could just go stand over there for five minutes? You can see everything from there, don't worry. It's just, I probably need to deal with this."
Owen got up. "Fine. I'll go get some cookies or something. You need me, you holler, got it?"
"She gets it. Go already."

Owen walked off. Sebastian. chuckled. "He's not exactly smart, is he?"
"Just drop the friendly act and tell me what you want already." Nyx snarled.

You know when you're writing a fanfiction and can't help wondering, does that sound anything like the original character?
Ah well, if not, we'll put it down to Sebastian's was-dead-am-now-alive thing. That's enough to muck up anyone.

Also, do you think this chapter needs music? If so, what song?

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