Spin the bottle

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It hadn't been... so bad.

He'd actually been really gentle, compared to Selene who'd yanked at her curls every opportunity she'd had.
Not that Nyx was going to confess that, she was still sulking.
Though now she was sulking with a head of cool braids.

Spin the bottle was next and Julianna had just landed on Travis.
"Welcome to the crazy house." Travis smirked as they crawled forward and briefly pressed their lips together.
Then he spun the bottle.
Round the circle it went until landing on...
"Well, Nikolaus, your future-seeing gifts impress me."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Called it. This game never works out well for me."
The boys crawled forwards. Nyx laughed at their over exaggerated expressions of disgust as they pecked each other swiftly. "Mr Nikolaus, may I inquire when you brushed last?"

Then Nick spun the bottle. And rolled his eyes at the outcome. "Has someone fixed this game or something?"
Travis chuckled. "Something you want to confess, Nick? There's got to be some reason you're back for more."
"Hate this game." Grumbled Nick as he crawled into the circle again.

Travis spun the bottle again. And his eyes lit up with mirth as he saw who it landed on.
"Come here you sexy thing!"
Nick backed away. "Get away from me you freak of nature!"

Selene grabbed Travis and yanked him back into his seat. "Okay, let someone else have a go now."
Travis looked around the circle. "Nyx. You haven't had a turn in a while."
"Oh no. I'm fine. I don't really like kissing games." Nyx said, subconsciously fingering her braids. "I'm just waiting to whop your ass at Strip poker. Pick someone else."
"I pick Nyx Hera L'ange."
"And now you've told everyone my middle name, I'm going to kill you."

Begrudgingly, she spun the bottle.
Round the circle it went; Selene, Travis, Julianna, Nick, Luci...

Until finally it landed on...


Owen shrugged, grinning broadly. "Merry Christmas, Nyx."

Nyx could have sworn as she crawled into the circle she heard someone let out a low, quiet growl.

I'm sorry for everyone who was expecting a different kiss. But it still could happen!
(Meanwhile the words 'I know something you don't' are playing in a sing-song voice on loop through my head.)

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