Christmas spirit

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Christmas day was a no. Rachel was pretty insistent that that was just for family.
Christmas eve however... well it made her feel less guilty about going out with some of her friends.

Selene was in a flap from the get go.
"So what we should do is have this mini party and we should play games and have music and probably wind up watching some cheesy christmas movie."

Nyx grinned. "I'll be in charge of the official cheesy christmas movie committee."
"Nothing with Muppets in it."
"But... that's not fair!"
Nick laughed at Nyx's expression. "You watch whatever you want to, Nyx. Selene's not the boss of you. Personally, I'm angling to be in charge of the game committee."
Selene sighed. "Please no strip poker, Nick."
"Oh I'm sorry, but you're not my girlfriend anymore, so I'm free to recommend all the stupid, fun games I want to. Unless you're worried you're going to realise what you're missing..."

"Okay, enough with the terrible ex-girlfriend/boyfriend snubbing." Owen interrupted, holding up his hands. "Nick, maybe not strip poker."
"Oh come on!"
"There's gonna be no stopping him now." Nyx chuckled. "He's determined now!"

Nyx and Selene were up in Nyx's room, going through her wardrobe.
Or rather Selene was going through her wardrobe, Nyx was complaining loudly.
"Seriously, Selene, just leave me alone. I can find something!"

"That's what I'm afraid of." Selene​ grumbled, rummaging through her clothes. "There's nothing in here that doesn't look like it's come out of a cosplay charity bag. It's no use, you'll have to borrow something of mine."
"If it's pink, I will murder you in your sleep."
Selene sighed in exasperation. "It'll be whatever fits and looks fairly suitable, whether that's pink, purple or lime green."

"You own lime green? You've been holding out on me."

So, hands up who's excited for tomorrow's updates?
Or tomorrow in general, as it's Christmas eve.

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