Miss L'ange

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Nyx was sitting in some tiny office opposite a tall, grey haired lady who reminded her a little of Lady Mater.
The woman had introduced herself, but Nyx had already forgotten her name.
The lady looked at Nyx, her steely eyes burning through her glasses.
"So, Miss L'ange, I realize it has recently come to light how exactly unusual you are."
Nyx held her hands up to stop the woman. "Before we begin this, I'd like to say I didn't read the results of my blood test, and I have to intention of knowing the results of my blood test. It freaked me out enough knowing I could take runes, which itched for days, by the way. Seriously, my arm went all red and irritated. Not nice."
The woman placed her hands steepled together on the desk.
"Yes, well, this puts us at an inconvenience. Without you acknowledging your blood mix, it'll be difficult to put in place anything to help you."

"Why would I need anything put in place to help me?" Nyx looked confused. "My life is fine as it is."
The lady looked awkward. "Yes, but with the potential..."
Nyx raised an eyebrow. "Potential? Potential what? Oh, I get it. This is basically a hyped up version of the do-you-want-training speech, which by the way has become very awkward for the Buffy-wannabes of the New York institute to repeat to me every other day. I'm going to say this once more. No. Way. Not. Happening. Go. To. Hell."

"Now wait a minute, you haven't even listened properly!"
"I listened the first time, didn't like what I heard and decided to ignore anyone who brought up the topic again. That unfortunate person happened to be you. Sorry, but that's how it is. And I really don't feel comfortable talking to you without someone present, so on that note, I'm leaving."

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