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"Okay, is it just me, or does Abby keep staring at me?"
Nyx laughed, placing a gentle hand on Travis's arm.
"Of course she does. Your her father, but you act as though she's contagious. Babies pick up on stuff like that."

From her highchair in the corner of the room, Abby gurgled happily almost as if she were agreeing.
Nyx smiled at her. "See, she picks up on stuff. She's actually really smart and I bet sometimes she even knows what we are saying."
Travis chuckled. "She can't even talk yet! How could she know what we were saying?"
"She's getting closer." Nyx said, crossing her arms. "Yesterday, she said gaa-daa, so I think we're getting close."
"Gaa-daa isn't anything. It's just a sound."
"Yeah, and sounds make words. She'll get there."

Travis laughed loudly. "Oh, come on! You are so doing the proud mother thing! You know, the my-child-is-the-next-Einstein-because-she-can-make-a-train-noise thing."
"Well, someone has to since her only conscious parent see's her as nothing but an inconvenience!" Nyx yelled, waving her hands in the air. "Gods sake, Travis, I love the kid, even if you don't!"

There was a resounding silence. Then suddenly, Abby began to cry.
Nyx rushed over and swooped her up in her arms. "I'm sorry little chick. I don't mean to yell. But your daddy's being such a... I don't have any child friendly words. But yeah, he's being stupid."
Abby burbled away tearfully, her little face contorted and red.
Nyx bounced her slightly in her arms. "That's it, little chick, you tell him. Now, how about we... go get some ice cream! In the park! Yeah, you like the sound of that?"
Nyx gave Travis the evil eye. "You're paying."

Probably totally irrelevant, but I'm curious. Is anyone shipping any of my characters with anyone?
(Did that make sense?)

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