Tears at sunset

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As soon as the sun went down, Abby had burst into tears.

Nyx was waltzing up and down the living room with her in her arms, trying to sooth her. "Who's a good girl, huh? Who's my ikkle likkle Abby girl? Don't cry. Why are you still crying?"
"Maybe she has colic." Said Selene, walking over to the pair. She drew her face down to Abby's level. "Does your tummy hurt? Is that why you're having a strop?"
Abby cried harder, screwing up her little face, making it go red.
Nyx sighed exasperatedly. "That could be it. Or it could be something completely different. I don't know."
Rachel walked into the room. "Is my granddaughter having a tizzy?"
"Oh, she passed the tizzy stage a long while back. Now we are on the full blown floods of tears just because we can stage. Where no babies get all the energy for crying? I couldn't go this long without a break."

Rachel gently took Abby from Nyx's arms. "Are you just being miss cranky-pants? Yeah?" She bounced her gently in her arms. Abby kept crying.
"That's strange." Rachel muttered.
"What's strange?"
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say shes not in discomfort or hungry or seeking attention. She's terrified. Something has terrified her."
Nyx's heart skipped a beat. "Terrified her? But there's nothing scary."
"Oh, I don't know. Babies are very perceptive you know. More perceptive then most adults. Its something to do with being small and quiet. They're more sensitive to change, however slight. Seriously, just describe to me what happened when she began to cry."

"I was showing her the sunset through the window. It was so pretty and she was clapping and laughing at the colours. Then she began to cry."
"That'll be it then. She didn't like the change of day to night. And who can blame her. Everything changes in the dark."

Surprisingly, this chapters important.
Also, talk to me!

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