Christmas eve

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It was pink. It was so very pink. Pink silk with pink lace and pink petticoats. So very pink.

Nyx looked at herself in the mirror, horror on her face. "Was this a bridesmaid dress at some point?"

 "Was this a bridesmaid dress at some point?"

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Selene shrugged. "Possibly. I'm not sure."
Nyx glared at Selene, eying her blue mini dress.

"And yet somehow your clothes look perfectly normal

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"And yet somehow your clothes look perfectly normal. If you're sabotaging me so you get the attention, I swear..."
"I'm not! It's just there's very little I own that fits you. It looks good. Come on, let's go."

Nyx charged Travis and Owen as they came in the door, carrying bags of party supplies. "Mistletoe! Lots of kisses!"
She wrapped her arms around Travis, planting friendly kisses on his cheeks.
Travis chuckled. "Hey, you posh up well. Didn't take you for a girly-girl though. It's a little weird."
"Don't listen to him." Owen cut in, as Nyx kissed him as well. "I think you look cute."
Nyx tried not to blush. "Food. Kitchen. Now."
"Yes, Ma'am."

Rachel had left for her party, with strict instructions not to destroy anything they couldn't replace before she found out.
Selene had immediately raced into the living room and bounced on the sofa's in excitement, much to Nyx's amusement. "And they call me the immature one."

The doorbell made them both start. Selene raced to the door, closely followed by Nyx, only for them to both be beaten by Nick.
He opened the door.
Surprise surprise, 'Christopher' stood on the other side of the door, in his usual glasses and hoodie.
But that wasn't what made Selene halt in shock and Nyx internally cackle with irony.

There, hanging on his arm, was Luci in an elegant emerald green velvet dress, smiling gratefully.
Nyx could have sworn she could hear Selene growl under her breath.
This could be fun.

Grinning wickedly, she spoke up. "Hey, they have to kiss before coming in. You know, because of the mistletoe."
Selene glared at Nyx as Luci and Sebastian complied, briefly touching their lips together in a swift kiss.
Nyx laughed behind her hand. Oh, yes, this was very fun.

It was once they'd settled into the living room and were passing out drinks that​ it happened.
The doorbell rang again, confusing everyone.

Nyx went to get it. Opening the door, on the other side she found Julianna, holding back an excitable Cody.
"Sorry, but he made a present for Abby and insisted we had to deliver it personally. So... Merry Christmas!"

Merry Christmas! Hope you like!
I may not be able to update tomorrow, being Christmas day, but I'll try for the next day.

And until then I have two questions, but I'm trying not to give to much away.

Question 1) Strip poker, Truth or dare, or Spin the bottle?

Question 2) Necklace or ring?

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