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"Half a pound of tuppany rice,
Half a pound of treacle!
That's the way the money goes,
Pop goes the weasel!"

Abby rolled up into fits of giggles, clapping her hands with glee as Nyx finished her nursery rhyme. Nyx smiled widely at the laughing baby. "Like that, don't you?  Pop goes the weasel!"
Abby giggled again, clapping her hands wildly.
Then she reached over and grabbed Nyx's finger between her chubby, baby ones.
Using her baby strength she dragged it to her mouth, chewing on it.
Nyx winced. "Ow! Are you teething again? What, four gnashers not enough for you? You need a whole mouth full of pearly whites?"
Abby gurgled happily, still sucking on Nyx's hand.
Nyx smiled. "You're so adorable. Now can you please stop drooling on my hand?"

Nick walked in, whistling nonchalantly. "Hey Nyx. Hey nibblet."
"Did you just call Abby nibblet?"
Nick shrugged. "It's a joke. You know, cause she's barely a mouthful."
Nyx looked at him weirdly. "I don't think I'm comfortable with you referring to the baby as food."
Nick shrugged again. "Again, it's a joke. Hey, since Rach is out the house, do you think we should get the others and have some fun?"
Nyx shook her head. "No. Last time you suggested that we ended up grounded after going to a shady nightclub. You ended up high! No way. Besides, we've got Abby."
"How about we have some stay at home fun? We could play a game."
"Suppose so. We'd have to get the others."
"Others already here." Came a fake accent from outside the room as Travis and Selene walked in.
"So, what are we playing?" Selene added, settling down on the sofa besides Nyx.
Nick thought for a minute. "How about strip-poker?"

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