I want to help!

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"If I asked you to wait out here, would you?"

Nyx gave him a look as they drew up to lady Mater's mansion.
He met her gaze, face serious. "Nyx, I'm not joking. It'll be safer out here."
"Then why did you bring me along?" She said sulkily.

"I didn't want to, you just did. Stay out here."
Nyx crossed her arms. "But what if I get attacked 'Zombie apocalypse' style?"
He sighed. "You won't. You're right out of the line of fire, and I doubt you're important enough to them to hunt down. I mean that in the nicest way possible."

Nyx scowled. "I've fought them before."
"With magic, in the Caves of reflections. This is different." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, either you stay here where it's safe, or you go home, where it's also safe."

Nyx wouldn't meet his eyes. "Fine. I'll stay here. Unless, something happens that means I have to get involved."
"What could possibly happen that means you have to get involved?"

Nyx thought for a moment. "Well, imagine I get this phone call and you're on the other end, bawling your eyes out like a baby because you're getting beaten up by a Draugr..."
"...Then assume it's probably a trick, and leave." He said.
"Yeah, but why would they try to trick me?" She countered. "I thought I wasn't important enough to them. Come on, I want to help!"

"You are helping. You're helping by not getting involved. I'm just going to see what's going on. Stay here, I'll be back really soon. I promise."

"Ironic thing is," muttered Nyx. "If I'd taken up the Clave's offer of training they'd been pushing on me everyday for the last year, I probably could come too."

He chuckled. "Well,I'm glad you didn't. I know what these things can do, and I really don't want you to have an excuse to put yourself in their path."

He swiftly kissed her forehead. "Stay safe."

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