Nightmare in the dark

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Uh oh.

It was him.
The one in the crystal.
The figure from her nightmares.

Sebastian Morgenstern.

Something seemed very wrong.

Everything about him seemed wrong.
He didn't seem to fit into the world, not like any one else. It was almost as if the universe was resisting having him there. Nyx could almost feel the friction of the wrongness if his existence against the universe.

He was dressed in black, a black hood obscuring his face from the rest of the park. Black sunglasses hid his eyes, effectively disguising him from recognition by anyone who glanced his way.

Nyx stumbled for words, clutching Abby protectively. "Wha... how... but... did I... oh no."
He chuckled slightly. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna try anything. I'm mostly just curious."
Nyx fidgeted anxiously. "Curious... about what?"
He settled down on the far end of the bench. "Well, mostly the fact that the last thing I remember is I'm dying, and there's this light. And I'm flying and I'm warm and happy... Then there's this girl, and she's in my head, having this wild romp in my mind and next thing I know I'm clawing my way out of rock in a body that is definitely does not feel like mine even though it looks similar. Now tell me, what exactly did you do?"

"I... uh..." Nyx was still trying to process exactly what he'd said. "I... uh... didn't mean to."
In her arms, Abby squealed in irritation, kicking her little legs. Nyx bounced her gently. "Shh, little chick, it's okay. I haven't forgotten you."
She glanced over at Sebastian. He was watching her and Abby, a soft look on his face.
Nyx chuckled weakly. "What? What's so interesting? You never seen a baby before?"
Abby gurgled at him, clapping her hands.

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