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Nyx was standing on a rocky precipice, a spire of rock reaching up into the sky. Here around her, day and night existed together, one direction leading off into the burning golden sunlight, the other into a dark, stormy night.

Ahead she could see a silhouette, just on the edge of the precipice, directly between the light and the dark.
She began to walk towards it, but no matter how fast she went, she could not catch up.
Around her the air became thick and heavy, cloying her mouth and throat, chocking her breath.

She tried to scream, tried to yell, calling to the undefined figure to help her.
No sound ushered from her lips, though she gasped for words.
The figure just stood, watching as the horizon tore itself apart.

Nyx awoke once again in the pitch black of the room. Without even checking, she called out. "Whoever or whatever is in here, please leave. I have no energy to deal with you. And if the dreams are your doing, well, you can take them with you."


The darkness was heavy, almost suffocating. Nothing stirred.

And then Abby cried.

Not the I'm-awake-gimme-attention cry. But a cry of terror.

Nyx ran into Abby's room, her bare feet slapping loudly against the floor.
It was in here, she could feel it. Like electricity in her blood, static passing from being to being.
It was here. It was here and it was a threat to her baby.
Nyx felt fear, not for herself, but for the child she loved as her own. Adrenaline pumped through her blood, igniting her anger.
"Leave!" She all but growled, her voice shifting low and threatening. "Leave my baby alone!"

Any thoughts or theories so far? Come on, I love hearing from you guys!

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