Strip poker

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"Read 'em and weep."
Nyx cackled evilly at Nick's expression. "What, you didn't know I was good at poker?"
Nick shook his head, still in shock.
Nyx chuckled. "Okay, now this is the part where I demand you pay up, but seeing since you only have your pants left and I have no desire to see your boxers, I'll let you off the hook."
Nick scowled at her, daggers in his eyes.
A shirtless Selene chuckled from the sofa. "It was your idea to play strip poker, Nick. Just remember that."
"You're not getting your shirt back. Just so you know." Nick said, still miffed.
"Thank god Abby's asleep." Travis said, walking in from the kitchen. "I swear, that kids gonna be sorely messed up if she grows up with us."
"Are you insinuating something?" Nyx batted her eyes innocently, a pile of her siblings clothes resting beside her.

Rachel came home to find Nyx dressed in layers of everyone's clothes, being chased around the house by the half-naked others.

"Come back here, you menace! You don't get to keep them permanently! Oh, hi Rach... Rachel?" Selene skidded to a swift halt, glancing about worriedly. "I thought... you weren't going to be back until later!"
Rachel looked at Selene with an unamused expression. "This is later. Now, do you want to explain what's going on?"
"Not really. Give me two minutes and it'll be like nothing happened. Nyx, give us our stuff!"

Rachel swept into the kitchen, settling herself down and sighing exasperatedly.
A moment later, the poker players were in the kitchen, all dressed and presentable, if not somewhat hurried in appearance.
Rachel looked at them with a serious expression. "I need to tell you all something. It's very important. The Clave wants to review our adoption of Abby. I fear they mean to take her away."

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