Halloween party

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Dedicated to LucindasEveningLight

Halloween music was pounding through the radio as the party 'decorators' hopped around like loons to the music, streamers and ghost bunting blowing from their fingers like Halloween flags.
Nyx chuckled. "This looks fun! Are you sure we have to have guests? We could just do this all evening."

Selene danced over. "Come help us set up, we're almost done. But Luci needs a hand over by the snack table.
Nyx raised an eyebrow. "And Luci is...?"
"She works here. Technically it's her night off but she agreed to help if she could stay for the party." She gestured to a girl in a fortune teller costume carrying a bowl of punch to the table. "Go help and be nice."
"I'm always nice."
"Then don't be... never mind. You're fine."

Nyx wandered over to the girl. "My sister is under the impression you need help, but rather than come herself she sent the girl with little hand-eye coordination and heels so high they feel like stilts. What can I do to help?"
The girl, who Nyx could now see was a faery, put the punch bowl on the table and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She chuckled. "It's okay. I suppose you could always help carry some of the trays, but if not, I've got it."
"Lead the way."

The party had begun to fill up by the time they brought out the last tray.
Nyx hopped on one foot, massaging her toes. "Damn these shoes, my feet hurt already."
"You don't wear heels a lot, I assume?"
"Hardly ever. And never usually this high. Hey, what's that in your sleeve?"

Luci smiled, pulling out of the folds of fabric a small green-black snake. "It's like a pet of mine." She ran a finger along its back. "It's relatively harmless."
"Uh, yeah." Nyx eyed the snake with trepidation.
Harmless my ass. I bet that things got enough poison to kill everyone here.

Nyx smiled nervously. "I'm gonna go... talk to my friend."
Luci shrugged. "Okay. By the way, I thought the second floor was of limit to guests?"
She pointed up atop the grand staircase to the balcony-like landing stretching around the room. A dark figure leant casually on the rail, watching the party.

I hope it was good!
Credits for the idea of Luci goes to LucindasEveningLight


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