Lack of sleep

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"Nyx. Nyx. Nyx!"

Nyx sat bolt upright, blinking like an owl.
"Wha... Where?"
Selene lent across the table and ruffled Nyx's hair. "Right here. And just so you know, that's toast, not a pillow, okay?"

Nyx looked down at her breakfast. "I know that. I'm just..."
"Exhausted from spending the party upstairs at Lady Mater's with your secret boyfriend?"
"Whatever your suggesting by that, no."

Travis stumbled into the kitchen. "Abby's still sleeping like a baby, which is surprising."
"Yeah, particularly when you think that she actually is a baby." Nyx shook her head, laughing. "Trav, that was the worst metaphor for her sleeping in you could have had."
She yawned loudly, rubbing her gritty eyes.

Last night was playing on repeat in her mind.

"Figure out a way for me to stay human"

Yeah, because that was just so darn easy.

She still didn't really know what was wrong. By the sound of it, he didn't really know what was wrong. Just that... something definitely was wrong. That much was clear.

She remembered when he'd left not long after. Just casually clambering out of her window and leaping down onto the road with the grace of a wildcat, stalking off into the dark until he blended with the shadows.

She'd never felt so relieved to see anyone go, the adrenaline she hadn't realized had been pumping through her veins trickling away, making her feel woozy.

Bed had never felt like such a good idea.

Except it had been difficult to sleep with the after effects of several glasses of Cola, pounding party music and an encounter that belonged somewhere between a fairytale and a nightmare.
Hours of sleeplessly tossing and turning later, and she was napping on her breakfast.

A pair of hands came down on her shoulders.
She screamed and jumped,
slapping away whoever grabbed her.
"Selene, that's not funny!"
Selene rolled up laughing. "Oh, it so is. You were falling asleep again, I could see it in your face."

Nyx muttered angrily under her breath as her siblings laughed, wishing for nothing more then some decent sleep.

I have a confession and a couple of questions.
You see, when I was reading City of Heavenly fire, there was a certain point when I dumped the book down on my desk for six months and sulked.

As consequence, when I got the courage to continued the story it was disjointed and as a result, my memories blurry about some of the details. A year or two between then and now hasn't helped.
Now I could go back and attempt to find the answers to these, but I'm technically still sulking with the book.

So my questions are:
1) What exactly happened to the Infernal cup? (I know it's destroyed, but as I said, I was sulking.)
2) What happened to the Faery Queen?

Yes, I am ashamed to be asking.
But I'm also holding several possible good storylines over your head, so help me please!

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