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Creeping around the corner of the building, Nyx peered into the dark back alley.
Oh, it was bad. It was really, really bad.

Draugr, six or seven at least, milled around, some stalking around frustratedly, others curled up in the corners. Two tore at something on the ground with animalistic snarls as they feasted.
Nyx felt sick. She had a feeling that was what had made the scream.
And now she was stuck.
She could hardly leave a pack of savage zombie-like creatures to roam the streets. Who knew what they might do, who they might attack?
But she could hardly handle them on her own, not without resorting to... that.
It was times like this she really wished Maddie was awake. It ad been nice having a Shadowhunter on speed-dial.

Then, one of the Draugr moved and Nyx saw it.

Her reaction was somewhere between; "Ah ha! I knew it!", "Fuck, that's not good.", "Damn you and your sweet kisses, I was starting to like you!" And "Arrrrrrggghhh!"

Sebastian stood face-to-face with what Nyx assumed was the leader of the Draugr.
Nyx felt like bashing her head against the wall. Repeatedly.

"Please don't be evil. I don't think I could handle that. I'm not exactly a Shadowhunter or a Police officer or a Jedi. I can't deal with these situations!"


The Draugr hit the dirt with bone-crunching impact.

Nyx whipped her head up. She'd missed that, but apparently it seemed as though he'd punched the Draugr in the face, snapping its head back with the force.

Nyx felt sick again.

She watched the rest of the pack go into a defensive stance as he grabbed the Dragur around the throat, his whole posture threatening as he hissed something illegible at the creature. The Draugr growled in response, teeth bared, black saliva dripping from its maw.

It was too much for Nyx.
She turned and ran, making it down the alleys back to the club before she collapsed to the ground, retching.

A comforting hand rubbed her back. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay."

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