Dreams and nightmares

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Nyx choked on her drink. "Remember everything? What? How? I don't understand!"

Sebastian still wouldn't meet her eyes. Instead, he fiddled with his fingers. "It's strange. It's a bit like I'm dreaming. There's this place, probably just formed by my subconscious or something, that... do you understand if I say when I 'black out' I go there? Not literally, but mentally that's where I am. And then theres like water or something, and looking into that I can see what I'm doing. Except it's not me doing it. And this... other me... does stuff."

"Stuff like climbing into my house at night?" Nux said, eyebrow raised.
Sebastian put his head in his hands and groaned. "I was really hoping you hadn't noticed that."
Nyx threw up her hands. "I cornered you in Abby's room! Bit difficult not to notice!"
"Um... I'm sorry?"
"You will be! ...Except it's not technically your fault. But I'm mad at the other you."

Nyx thought about what he'd said. "So this... subconscious place. What's it like?"
"Difficult to describe."
"A cliff overlooking a wild ocean with a sky half bright and sunny and the other half a storm?"
He looked up in surprise. "What?"
"I'm guessing that makes you 'shadow-on-the-cliff-edge.' " Nyx mused.
Nyx smiled teasingly. "Just a dream I had. You know, before I woke up to find 'other you' in my house."
"Well... your dreams are very accurate."

"So... why is 'other you' in my house a lot?"
Sebastian shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe he's curious. I certainly am."
Nyx knew that should not have made her blush. But it did.
Ignoring it, she fished for a something to say.

"So, all cards in order." Nyx said, placing her palms flat on the table. "Lilith and the Draugr are after a weapon.
You keep 'blacking out' and handing over the controls to God-knows-what. And then you end up hiding out in my dreams."
"No, you end up spying on my subconscious."
"Yadda yadda, same difference."

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