Christmas day

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Christmas day was a lot less... exciting, although that probably was a good thing.

For Nyx it was a case of get up, open a bunch of presents, get ready, crack a joke over breakfast about whether or not they allow hell-spawn like her into church, get playfully swatted over the head by Rachel.
Christmas morning at its finest.

Except everything seemed weird.

"Do not think about last night. Do not think about the END of last night. Do NOT think about what happened at the end of last night."

It played like a mantra through her head, screaming across her mind in an effort to block out anything else.

Besides, it had hardly been anything. More of a 'thanks-for- inviting-me, see-you-around friendly kiss. Wasn't it?
To be honest she didn't know. She didn't understand people when it came to kissing or crushes or any of it. She'd just never had to.
In her world, everyone fit in one of two boxes. People she trusted and people she weren't so sure about.
For either category, this was new.

"Look, just forget it. It's not like it was anything serious, and... you kissed Owen in spin-the-bottle! On the lips!
He's nice, fairly handsome, easier to understand and not likely to make the Clave hate you if they ever find out. Think about him!
No, I said think about OWEN.
You're still not thinking about Owen.
Think about Owen goddamn you! OWEN!
Oh man, I'm screwy in the head. Christmas presents. Think of Christmas presents. Not boys. Christmas presents...
Sebastian got me a christmas present.
So did Owen, Nyx. Doesn't mean anything. Stop thinking about boys! Go open the goddamn christmas presents!"

"I'm gonna go open my goddamn christmas presents."
"Uh... good for you." Nick said mindlessly from behind a Judge Dredd annual. Then he paused. "Wait. You haven't opened them already? Well, there goes my belief system."
"Travis's joke."
"Damn it!"

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